invitation to exhibit

exhibitor registration opens

may 1

The JEN Conference is a great opportunity to showcase your products and build lasting relationships with leading educators and performers of today and the next generation.


Exhibitor Registration opens



Scroll through the information below to learn more.

The deadline for inclusion in the Conference Program Guide is October 31st.

invitation to exhibit

exhibitor booth options

Registration opens May 1st

Registration opens May 1st

Current JEN membership is required in order to reserve space and exhibit at the conference.

click on each membership below to learn more

exhibit hours

booths at a glance

exhibit hall faqs

Exhibitors may choose from one of two zones.

A (Sound) l  B (Quiet)

Zone A is a sound zone area.

This area is restricted by the limitations set forth in the Sound Zone Policies below. By purchasing in this area, you agree to comply with the terms therein. Constant generation of sound from one source and/or excessive noise will not be tolerated. Please be considerate of your neighbor.


Zone B is a quiet zone area.

This area is open to any level of JEN membership. Exhibitors utilizing computer playback and/or small audio systems are allowed in this area with headphones. Audio systems without headphones are restricted from being used. The demonstration of instruments is also restricted in this area except for electronic instruments with headsets. Sound systems may not be used in this area.

*JEN reserves the right to alter the posted floor plan at any time

After choosing the zone, JEN will assign the booth location based on the following criteria:

  • Type of Space Purchased
  • Founding and/or Charter Membership Status
  • Sponsor/Donor/Affiliate Status
  • Years of consecutive exhibiting at JEN
  • Size of Space Purchased
  • Date of Payment



  • A Corporate Membership is required to display corporate, company or business names in booths or table tops.
  • An Institution Membership is required to display institution names in booths or table tops.
  • A Chapter Membership allows display of only the Chapter name in the booth or tabletop.

An Individual Membership allows display of only the individual’s name in the booth or table top.

Current Membership in JEN is required to reserve space and exhibit at the conference.

Choose the appropriate level related to your organization or business.

Membership must be current to exhibit.
  • Purchase by credit card, check, or purchase order.
  • Booth assignments are posted as soon as possible online.

Membership in JEN (at specific levels as detailed above) is a requirement to purchase exhibit space.

    • Corporate Membership is required to display corporate, company or business names in the booth.
    • An Institution Membership is required to display institution names in the booth.
    • Chapter Membership allows display of only the Chapter’s name in the booth.
    • An Individual Membership allows display of only the individual’s name in the booth.

JEN Exhibit Hall Sound Control Policy
(effective January 2018)

JEN is a conference for music educators, students, professionals and music businesses. The music businesses will conduct their business in an Exhibit hall in a leased booth space, during specific booth hours. Part of that business is trying out the music products; however, there are parameters by which this can be done within the booth space while providing a safe and business friendly environment on the conference floor. JEN is committed to providing a successful environment for its members to do business and the following outlines how this intends to be accomplished.

The following policy must be adhered to and will be enforced by JEN at all times throughout the conference:

  • Sound level may not exceed 85 decibels as determined by JEN Floor Management Team.
  • Demonstrations, organized or otherwise, may not exceed 5 minutes, impede aisle space or cause disruption to neighboring booths. Exhibitor is responsible for receiving the proper approval from JEN management and securing crowd control.

JEN Conference Policy Enforcement Procedure

  1. An exhibitor or attendee in violation of this policy will receive a verbal warning by the JEN Floor Management Team.
  2. If the exhibitor continues to violate this policy, a written warning will be delivered by the JEN Floor Management Team.
  3. If the exhibitor continues to violate this policy despite the two official warnings, the booth will be closed for the remainder of the day.
  4. If an attendee continues to violate this policy, their badge will be removed for the remainder of the conference.
  5. If a violation continues the following day, the booth will be permanently closed and/or removed from the conference floor for the remainder of the conference (Booth fees are non-refundable).
  6. Please be advised that exhibitors receiving three sound violations will jeopardize their booth location at future JEN conferences. Complaints of sound regulation violations may be made directly to the JEN Floor Management Team or reported to the Conference Registration desk. Please contact your JEN business partner for more tips and options to help control your sound at the conference.

Steps JEN Takes to Help Support a Positive Musical Experience in a Business Environment for Everybody

  • Categorize the conference floor by product types to place products of similar volume together
  • Enforce the maximum decibel level at 85 so all booths demo instruments at a “background” level and not at full volume

Steps Exhibitors Can Take to Help Support a Positive Musical Experience in a Business Environment for Everyone

  • Utilize sound rooms, shields, and sound absorption material in booth construction
  • Utilize headphones during demos
  • Do not place demonstration area or demonstration stage on the aisle, manage crowd appropriately
  • Do not point speakers into the aisle or other booths, direct them into the booths space
  • If the demo product is percussion, please remove the drum throne seat in between demos so attendees do not sit and play in a manner not conducive to background level sound
  • If the product is percussion, use drum brushes versus sticks to help control the level of sound
  • Place signs in booth near demo instruments stating the sound level and length of time—ensure attendees adhere to these guidelines
  • Notify attendees immediately if they are testing equipment too long or too loud and that the JEN Floor Management Team may remove their badge for the remainder of the conference

Steps Attendees Can Take to Help Support a Positive Musical Experience in a Business Environment for Everybody

  • Be aware of potentially high-level sound areas and utilize ear plugs
  • If the product is percussion, do not sit and play in a manner not conducive to background level sound
  • If the product is percussion, use drum brushes versus sticks to help control the level of sound
  • Sound levels may not exceed 85 decibels and badges will be removed if violations occur after warnings have been issued
  • Support Exhibiting Company’s efforts in controlling sound levels by adhering to this policy—don’t jeopardize your badge privileges

Performance vs. Demonstration

  • A “performance” is a public entertainment presentation and is prohibited in booth space. Performances are available on JEN stages only.
  • A “demonstration” is conferencing the merits of a product or service to a customer and is permitted in booth space, provided the demo adheres to the policy outlined above.
  • You will receive a confirmation email from JEN after completing your Exhibitor Registration. Please be certain your browser is set up to accept emails by entering the organization’s address into your address book.
  • The FREEMAN DECORATING COMPANY EXHIBITOR PACKET is located online in the conference harvester system for download. The exhibitor packet will include details related to set-up and dismantle hours, ancillary furniture, electrical, trash removal, and more.
  • BOOTH SET-UP – Setup hours are Thursday from 8:00am – 5:00pm. You agree to set up within the designated time.
  • BOOTH DISMANTLE  You agree that you will not dismantle your booth anytime prior to the designated dismantle hours beginning at 4:30pm on Saturday. Dismantle must be completed no later than 7:30pm, per the Freeman Decorating Company guidelines.

    Exhibit hours are posted on the page at the top of this page under  EXHIBIT HOURS heading.

  • SHIPPING GUIDELINES will be detailed in the Exhibitors Packet received from Decorating Services. Exhibitors may not ship displays directly to the hotel; shipments sent to the hotel will be refused.
  • BOOTH ASSIGNMENT – Once purchased, your listing and space assignment will be posted as soon as possible on the Eventscribe conference calendar (typically some time in October).
  • CONTRACT FOR SPACE – The purchase of exhibit space and the formal notice of assignment by JEN constitutes a contract for the right to use the space allotted. In the event of fire, strike or other uncontrollable circumstances rendering the building unfit or unavailable to use, the contract shall not be binding.
  • CONSTRUCTION OF EXHIBITS – All exhibits must be arranged so as not to obstruct the view or interfere with other exhibits.
  • RESTRICTIONS IN USE OF SPACE – No exhibitor shall reassign, sublet or share his or her allotted space without the knowledge and consent of the JEN exhibits manager.
  • CIRCULATION AND SOLICITATION – Circulars or advertising matter of any description may be distributed only within the booth assigned to the exhibitor presenting such material. No exhibitor shall obtain exhibit space anywhere outside the designated exhibit area, and no firm or organization not assigned exhibit space will be permitted to solicit business within the conference or exhibit area.
  • SOUND-PRODUCING EXHIBITS – Exhibits that include the operation of musical instruments or the use of audio equipment should be conducted or arranged so that the noise resulting from demonstrations will not unnecessarily disturb adjacent exhibitors and their patrons. Effective 2018 JEN has adopted a SOUND CONTROL POLICY similar to the NAMM policy.  See more details in the Sound Control Policy FAQ tab.
  • INSURANCE & SECURITY – The exhibiting firm acknowledges that JEN nor the Official Conference Hotel has any responsibility for the exhibitor’s property, and the exhibitor takes full responsibility for all risks to the property that the exhibitor brings to the exhibition. The Exhibition hall and adjacent rooms will be locked after hours and on-site security will be on duty. It is recommended that the exhibitor carry exhibit insurance for materials and items being displayed in the event of potential loss.
  • RESTRICTIONS IN OPERATION OF EXHIBITS – JEN reserves the right to deny an exhibit application, or restrict exhibits that, because of noise, method of operation, or any reason, become objectionable, and may also prohibit or evict any exhibit which, in the opinion of the management, detracts from the general character of the exhibit as a whole. The restriction includes persons, things, conduct, printed matter, or anything of a character that the management determines is objectionable to the exhibit. In the event of such restrictions, JEN nor the Official Conference Hotel are not liable for any exhibit expense of any type.
  • VENDOR CANCELLATION of EXHIBIT SPACE/REFUND POLICY – Exhibit space cancellations received 60 days or more before the conference starts will receive a full refund minus a 20% service charge. Exhibit space cancellations received less than 60 days before the conference starts are not eligible for a refund.
  • By purchasing your conference registration and attending the conference, you consent to be photographed, filmed and/or otherwise recorded. Your purchase and attendance constitutes your consent to such photography, filming and/or recording and to any use, in any and all media throughout the universe in perpetuity, of your appearance, voice and name for any purpose whatsoever in connection with the production presently entitled: Jazz Education Network Annual Conference. You understand that all photography, filming and/or recording will be done in reliance on this consent given by you by agreeing to this waiver. 
  • By submitting your online registration, you acknowledge that you understand that current membership in JEN at the appropriate level to exhibit at the time of purchase and at the time of the Annual Conference is required to participate
  • By submitting your online registration, you acknowledge you have read the exhibiting guidelines and understand you and all members of your exhibiting organization/institution/company are required to reserve and purchase housing in the Conference hotel at the existing conference rate in order to exhibit. Commuters within a 100-mile radius from home are exempt from the housing requirement
  • Once you are confirmed to exhibit, as a Conference exhibitor you will be asked to provide a registration confirmation number from the conference hotel in order to verify you have complied with this important facet of the process. Compliance with this agreement ensures the organization remains financially stable, and allows JEN to reach the hotel-imposed attrition rate related to the conference contract, which in turn provides JEN with the hotel event space to present the annual conference, thereby keeping the costs associated with conference production down. 
  • By submitting your online registration, you acknowledge that all expenses incurred for attending the conference will be borne by the exhibiting institution/organization, or individual exhibitors. Conference credentials will be provided as appropriate to the type of space purchased. 
  • By submitting your online registration, you acknowledge this conference registration is entered into by the attendee in consideration of the use of the facilities of the Official Conference Hotel(s) during the Annual JEN conference. It is understood and agreed that all facilities of the Official Conference Hotel(s) will be used by attendees at their sole risk, and that attendees shall hold the Official Conference Hotel(s) and the Jazz Education Network harmless for personal injury or property damage resulting from participation in the JEN conference, either on and off the premises of the Official Conference Hotel(s). 
  • Exhibitor shall be fully responsible for any and all damages to property owned by Hyatt (Hyatt Regency Atlanta), its owners or managers which result from any act or omission of Exhibitor. 
  • Exhibitor agrees to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, the conference hotel, its owners, managers, officers or directors agents, employees, subsidiaries and affiliates, from any damages or charges resulting from Exhibitor’s use of the property. 
  • Exhibitor’s liability shall include all losses, costs, damages, or expenses arising from, out of, or by reason of any accident or bodily injury or other occurrences to any person or persons, including the Exhibitor, its agents, employees, and business invitees which arise from or out of the Exhibitor’s occupancy and use of the exhibition premises, the Hotel or any part thereof.

Vendor cancellations of exhibit space

Exhibit space cancellations received 60 days or more before the opening day of the conference will receive a full refund minus a 20% service charge. Exhibit space cancellations received less than 60 days before the conference starts are not eligible for a refund.


Hotel room cancellations

Refund policies for hotel room cancellations are established by the hotel and not by JEN. JEN is not responsible for hotel refund decisions.

The Official Conference Hotel in 2026 is the Hyatt Regency New Orleans

A special rate for housing JEN members participating in the Conference has been established at the official conference location.

As an exhibitor you must agree to stay in Official Conference Hotels as prompted in the Exhibitor Information Form unless you are commuting within a 100 mile radius. Please click below to book your room now!

The JEN block reservation deadline is December 9, 2024.
or until rooms are no longer available in the JEN block, whichever comes first.


Click Here for HOUSING
Click to download the 2025 Exhibitor Information Quick Facts
  • Exhibit booth details
  • Load in/load out 
  • Any additional exhibitor resources

Check out the 2025 CONFERENCE SCHEDULE for a full list of exhibitors.

photo by Cherie Hansson


Location: TBA

past exhibitors

African American Jazz Caucus (AAJC)

Alfred Music

AM Mouthpieces

Anchor Music Publications

Berklee College of Music

BetterSax Inc.

BG Franck Bichon

Billy Strayhorn Songs

Brava Jazz Publishing

Brigham Young University

Brubeck Jazz Summit

Buffet Crampon

Carnegie Hall

Columbia College of Chicago


Downbeat Magazine

Eastman Music Company / Backun Musical Services / Wm. S. Haynes Co. / S.E. Shires Co. / Laskey Mouthpieces

Eastman School of Music

ejazzlines.com / Walrus Music Publishing

Encore Tours

Excelcia Music / Kendor Music Publishing

Florida A&M University

Florida State University

George Mason University

Great American Songbook Foundation

Greg Black Mouthpieces

Hal Leonard

Howard University

Idyllwild Arts Academy and Summer Program


Indiana University Jacobs school of music

JAM Music Lab

Jazz at Lincoln Center

Jazz at the Summit

Jazz Empowers

Jazz in July Summer Music Programs UMass Amherst




Key of She Jazz

Live Performing Arts Academy

Los Angeles College of Music

Loyola University New Orleans

Manhattan School of Music

Montclair State University

Music for All

New England Conservatory

New Jersey Performing Arts Center

New York University 

North Carolina Central University

Offbeat Magazing

Origin Records

Ottawa University

Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University

Powered Living, Inc.

Preservation Hall Foundation

Pro Jazz Charts

Purchase College Conservatory of Music

Ramsess Art

Reed Geek


Roosevelt University

Rovner Products

Sacramento Jazz Education Foundation

San Francisco Conservatory of Music

Sher Music

St. Louis Music

Svetlana Shmulyian

Syracuse University Setnor School of Music

Temple University

The New School

Theo Wanne Mouthpieces and Instruments

U.S. Air Force Academy Band

U.S. Air Force Band Airmen of Note

U.S. Army Blues

U. S. Army Field Band Jazz Ambassadors

U. S. Army Pershing’s Own Army Band

U.S. Fleet Band Activities

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Naval Academy

U.S. Navy Band Commodores

University of Hartford – Hartt School

University of Maryland School of Music

University of Miami Frost School of Music

University of Minnesota School of Music

University of Nevada Las Vegas

University of North Texas

University of Northern Colorado

University of the Pacific


Walnut Hill School for the Arts


Women in Jazz (WIJO)


African American Jazz Caucus (AAJC)

Airmen of Note

Alfred Music

Allied Powers

Anchor Music Publications

Anderson University

Berklee College of Music

Billy Strayhorn Songs

Buffet Crampon

Butler’s Trombones

Carnegie Hall

Coastal Carolina University Music Deptartment

Columbia College of Chicago


Dansr, Inc. / VanDoren

Deanna Witkowski

DePaul University

Downbeat Magazine

Ear Trumpet Labs

Eastman Music Company / Backun Musical Services / Wm. S. Haynes Co. / S.E. Shires Co. / Laskey Mouthpieces

Eastman School of Music

ejazzlines.com / Walrus Music Publishing

Excelcia Music / Kendor Music Publishing

Florida A&M University

Florida International University

Florida State University

George Mason University

Great American Songbook Foundation

Greg Black Mouthpieces

Hal Leonard

Hope College Jazz Department

iJazzMusic.com / Jazz Education Abroad

Indiana University Jacobs school of music

Jamie’s Trumpet Gallery

Jazz Empowers

Jazz at Lincoln Center


JJ Babbitt

JWP Agency (Jazz-World-Pop)


Key of She Jazz

Legere Reeds

Los Angeles College of Music

Manhattan School of Music

Mark Gridley

Miami String Haus

Monterey Jazz Festival

Muneer Nasser

Music for All

Music Works International

New England Conservatory

North Carolina Central University Jazz Studies

Peabody Institute of the Johns Hopkins University

Phoenix Talent Agency

Preservation Hall Foundation

Pro Jazz Charts

Purchase College Conservatory of Music

Ramsess Art

Robinson’s Remedies


Rovner Products

Sacramento Jazz Foundation


Shenandoah Conservatory National Jazz Workshop

Sher Music

St. Louis Music

Suman Entertainment Group

Syracuse University Setnor School of Music

The Cali School of Music at Montclair State University

The New School

The Happy Musicians

Theo Wanne Mouthpieces and Instruments

U.S. Air Force Academy Band

U.S. Air Force Band Airmen of Note

U.S. Army Blues

U. S. Army Field Band Jazz Ambassadors

U.S. Navy Band Commodores

University of Denver, Lamont School of Music

University of Miami Frost school of music

University of Missouri Kansas City

University of Nevada Las Vegas

University of North Florida

University of North Texas

University of Northern Colorado

University of South Carolina School of Music


Witte Performance Tours

Women in Jazz (WIJO)

WUCF 89.9 Jazz FM & More


African American Jazz Caucus (AAJC)

Airmen of Note

Alfred Music

Berklee College of Music

BG France

Billy Strayhorn Songs

Brigham Young University

Centrum Jazz Port Townsend Workshop


David’s Instrument Repair

DePaul University

Downbeat Magazine


Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation

Erica vonKleist


George Mason University

Hal Leonard

iJazzMusic.com / Jazz Education Abroad

Indiana University Jacobs school of music

Jazz Empowers

JJ Babbitt

Judith Humenick Productions


Key of She Jazz

Los Angeles school of music

Montclair State University

Music for All

Music Works International

New England Conservatory

North Carolina Central University


Purchase College

Qwest TV

Ramsess Art

Robinson’s Remedies

Rovner Products


Silverstein Works


St. Louis Music

Syracuse University Setnor School of Music

Texas Tech

The New School

The Happy Musicians

Theo Wanne

U.S. Air Force Academy Band

U. S. Army Field Band Jazz Ambassadors

U.S. Marine Corps

U.S. Navy Band Commodores

University of Miami Frost school of music

University of Missouri Kansas City

University of Nevada Las Vegas

University of North Texas

University of Northern Colorado

University of the Pacific

Women in Jazz (WIJO)


Advance Music
African American Jazz Caucus

Berklee College of Music


Hal Leonard

Jazz At Lincoln Center

Long Island University

New England Conservatory
New Jersey Performing Arts Center
North Carolina Central University

Preservation Hall

Southwestern Community College

Ted Nash

U.S. Air Force Airmen of Note
University of New Orleans School of the Arts
U.S. Army Field Band Jazz Ambassadors


African American Jazz Caucus
AM Mouthpieces
American Classic Tours & Music Festivals
Antigua Winds

BAC Musical Instruments
Benedetto Guitars
Berklee College of Music
Billy Strayhorn Songs
Buffet Crampon (Antoine Courtois/Besson/B&S/Hans Hoyer/J. Scherzer/Meinl Weston/Verne Powell Flutes/W.S. Schrieber/Rigoutat Paris)

Capital University
Carnegie Hall
Charlie Parker AAJC/JEN
Chicago Jazz Philharmonic
Cultural Tour Consultants

D’Addario & Company Strings
DANSR Inc (Denis Wick/Vandoren)
Darius & Cathy Brubeck
Disney Parks Live Entertainment (Disney Performing Arts/All American College Band)
DownBeat Magazine

East Coast Trumpets
Eastman Music Company (Backun Musical Services/S.E. Shires Co./Wm. S. Haynes Co.)

Hal Leonard Publishing
Heights Music International

Jazz at Lincoln Center
Jazz Empowers
Jazz In July Summer Music Programs
Jazz Outreach Initiative
Jazz Port Townsend Workshop
JazzTimes Magazine
Judith Hemenick Productions

Key Leaves
KHS Music (Hercules/Jupiter/Majestic/Mapex/Sonor/XO)

Longy School of Music at Bard College
Loyola University New Orleans

Manhattan School of Music
Monterey Jazz Festival
Music For All
My Score (J.W. Pepper)

National Jazz Museum in Harlem
New England Conservatory
New Jersey Performing Arts Center
New York University
NS Design

Open Studio

P. Mauriat (St. Louis Music)
Peabody Conservatory
Pro Jazz Charts

Ramsess Art
Remo. Inc.
Richard Sussman Music
Robinson’s Remedies
Rugters University

Silverstein Works
Sound Music Publications
Stanford Jazz Workshop
Syracuse University – Setnor School of Music

Temple University
The City College of New York
The Eastman School of Music
The Reality Book
Timeless Communications (JAZZed Magazine)
Topxight Labs (Manoke)

U.S. Air Force Airmen of Note
U.S. Army Blues
U.S. Army Field Band Jazz Ambassadors
U.S. Navy Band Commodores
University of Massachusetts Amherst
University of Hartford/Hartt School
University of New Orleans School of the Arts
University of Northern Colorado
University of North Florida Jazz

Warburton Music Products
WIJO – Women in Jazz Organization


(Listed alphabetically)
Posted/Revised: 1-11-19

(F) Founding Member
(C) Charter Member
(S) Sponsor
(A) Affiliate
(5+) Consecutive Year Exhibitor
(10+) Consecutive Year Exhibitor

Absolute Music
Advance Music
African American Jazz Caucus (A,10+)
Alfred Music (F, 10+)
Antigua Winds,Inc. (F, 5+)
Antoine Courtois (F, 10+)
Arcevia Jazz Festival (A)
Army Recruiting National Conventions
Avedis Zildjian (5+)
B&S (F, 10+)
BAC Musical Instruments
Bach (F, 5+)
Backun Musical Services (5+)
Benedetto Guitars
Berklee College of Music (C, 10+, A)
Besson (F, 10+)
Billy Strayhorn Songs (5+)
Bookmark Music
Buffet Crampon (F, 10+)
C.G. Conn (F, 5+)
Capital University (F, 10+)
Carnegie Hall
Chad Levkowitz-Brown
Columbia College Chicago Music Department (F, 10+)
Conn-Selmer Inc. (F, 5+)
Cultural Tour Consultants (C, 10+)
Cultural Path Ltd.
Dansr (C)
Denis Wick (C)
Disney Performing Arts/All American College Band
Downbeat (F, 10+, A)
Eastman Music Company (5+)
ejazzlines (C, 10+)
Five Towns College
Hal Leonard (C, 10+)
Hans Hoyer (F, 10+)
Heights Books and Scores/1630 Music Publishing
Hercules (F, 10+)
Holton (F, 5+)
Indiana University Jacobs School of Music (5+)
Interlochen Center for the Arts
International Woodwind
J. Scherzer (F, 10+)
Jazz 4 Justice, Inc.
Jazz at Lincoln Center (F, 5+)
JAZZed Magazine (F, 10+, A)
Jazz Lines Publications (C, 10+)
Jazz Outreach Initiative
JazzTimes Magazine (S, A)
JodyJazz Inc. (5+)
Jupiter Music Instruments (F, 10+, S)
Kay D. Ray Productions
Kendor Music, Inc. (F, 10+)
Key Leaves
King (F, 5+)
LeBlanc (F, 5+)
Longy School of Music of Bard College
Loyola University New Orleans
Mapex (F, 10+, S)
Majestic (F, 10+, S)
Manhattan School of Music Jazz Arts
Melton Meinl Weston (F, 10+)
Monterey Jazz Festival (5+)
Music For All (F, A)
New England Conservatory (5+)
North Carolina Central University
Open Studio
Oleg Products
P. Mauriat (5+)
Peabody Conservatory
Pro Jazz Charts
Ramses Art (5+)
Remo, Inc. (5+)
Rovner Products, Inc. (5+)
S. E. Shires Co. (5+)
Sabian Ltd
Saxquest (5+)
Seattle JazzED
Selmer Paris (F, 5+)
Sonor (F, 10+, S)
Sound Music Publications
Stanford Jazz Workshop
Syracuse University Setnor School of Music
Temple University
The Eastman School of Music
The Reality Book
The New School of Jazz & Contemporary Music
Timeless Communications (F, 10+, A)
U.S. Air Force Academy Band
U.S. Air Force Band Airmen of Note (A)
U.S. Army Blues (A)
U.S. Army Jazz Ambassadors (A)
U.S. Navy Band Commodores (A)
University of Colorado Boulder Thompson School of Music (5+)
Univ. Of Hartford/Hartt School of Music
University of Miami Frost School of Music (F, 10+)
University of Nevada Reno Jazz Department
University of New Orleans School of the Arts
University of North Florida Jazz
University of North Texas Jazz Studies (5+)
University of Northern Colorado (5+)
University of the Pacific Brubeck Institute (C, 5+)
Vandoren (C, 10+)
Verne Powell Flutes (F, 10+)
Vic Firth (5+)
W.S. Schreiber (F, 10+)
Walrus Music Publications (C, 10+)
Warburton Music Products (5+)
Wm. S. Haynes Co. (5+)
Yamaha (C, 10+, S, A)
Yamaha Pianos (C, 10+, S, A)
Yanagisawa (F, 5+)
XO (F, 10+, S)
Zildjian (5+)

conference show guide info


To Purchase Advertisement in the
JEN Conference Program Book

Record Companies, Festivals & Schools
Jennifer Ruban-Gentile
(630) 359-9345
Musical Instruments & East Coast Schools
Ritche Deraney
(201) 445-6260

Deadline for guaranteed inclusion
in the conference show guide is November 2nd.

photo by Cherie Hansson

2025 Conference Sponsors & Partners



DownBeat Magazine (Maher Publications) produces the annual conference program and show guide as well as ongoing JEN member benefits year-round.



Jazz Road, a program of the Atlanta non-profit South Arts, supports the Inspirations Stage and the Sisters in Jazz Collegiate Combo.

Yamaha Corporation of America provides invaluable concert piano, digital keyboard, and drumset resources for the performing and clinic venues of the Conference.

The Preservation Hall Foundation serves as a fundamental pillar of the New Orleans music community. 

Conn-Selmer, Ludwig, & Musser facilitate drumset and keyboard percussion resources for the performing and clinic venues of the conference and provides support for the Inspirations Stage.

The Eastman School of Music supports the New Voices Stage in celebration of its new Jazz Voice degree led by Sara Gazarek within its Jazz and Contemporary Media program.

A JEN Founding Institution partner, the Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation is a fiscal sponsor of the ongoing JEN Research Fellowship.

The KHS America family of instrument brands led by Jupiter facilitate drumset and keyboard percussion resources for the performing and clinic venues of the Conference.


A JEN Charter Member organization, Berklee College of Music is a cooperative partner and fiscal sponsor of the annual John LaPorta Educator of the Year Award.

The John Stites Jazz Awards funds personal development projects to enhance the career opportunities of professional jazz musicians and provides financial assistance to JEN members to offset conference attendance.

Jazz WCLK (91.9 FM) Clark Atlanta University provides marketing & community support for the 16th Annual Conference


The dynamic jazz education and premier presenting organization of the Queen City celebrates the individual contributors that power JEN through their gifts each year.

Join JazzWire in celebration of our exhibitors and look out for sessions marked “JazzWire Recommended Adult Learners” in the program show guide.

Encore Tours celebrates the work of the Jazz Education by sponsoring the 2025 Founders Toast.



The University of New Orleans proudly sponsors the 2025 Donor Appreciation Reception.


Additional partners

• The AAJC is the official presenting partner of the Donald Meade Legacy Jazz Griot Award.

 • The JENerations Jazz Festival is presented in partnership with Music for All.

acknowledgements & thanks

The Jazz Education Network is grateful to all who help make our annual conference possible: JEN’s staff, the many dozens of volunteers, and Board of Directors, Casey Kruer Perez of the Hospitality Performance Network.


charlotte lang

Swiss/Dutch saxophonist Charlotte Lang was born in 1996 in Basel and studied the bachelor and master program at the JAZZCAMPUS Basel under the guidance of Domenic Landolf and Daniel Blanc. She is currently studying the Master of Music in Global Jazz at the Berklee College of Music in Boston under the artistic direction of Danilo Pérez. In addition she is part of Terri Lyne Carrington’s Berklee Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice.


From 2015 to 2018, Charlotte she was a member of the Swiss National Youth Jazz Orchestra under the direction of Christian Muthspiel. Since 2020, she became a member of the German National Youth Jazz Orchestra (Bundesjazzorchester Deutschland), under the direction of Niels Klein and Ansgar Striepens. She also plays is the Austrian FJO (Frauen Jazz Orchester→Women Jazz Orchestra of Austria).


In 2021, Charlotte founded her own Quintet the „Charlotte Lang Group“, for what she is composing, arranging and booking. In the fall 2023, her first album will be recorded and hopefully released by a renowned label.


Charlotte plays in the “Swiss Jazz Orchestra” and the “Zurich Jazz Orchestra”, the two professional Big Bands of Switzerland.

Charlotte recently got the unique opportunity to write a monthly blog for the Swiss Jazz & Blues Magazine called JAZZTIME, to tell readers about her time at abroad and specifically her time at Berklee. Her graduate program lasts only until the summer of 2023. She hopes to stay in the United States to enlarge her network and build her musical career.