JEN membership

All JEN membership payments are non-refundable.

Conference registration cancellations

The deadline to cancel your conference registration and receive a full refund is 60 days before the start of the conference. After that date, conference registration fees will be refunded minus a 20% service charge until the last day of the conference at midnight EST. No refunds will be made after that time. 

This Conference Registration refund policy applies to JENerations Jazz Festival (JJF) registration fees.


Vendor cancellations of exhibit space

Exhibit space cancellations received 60 days or more before the conference starts will receive a full refund minus a 20% service charge. Exhibit space cancellations received less than 60 days before the conference starts are not eligible for a refund.


Hotel room cancellations

Refund policies for hotel room cancellations are established by the hotel and not by JEN. JEN is not responsible for hotel refund decisions.

In compliance with an established directive from the United States Internal Revenue Service, the JEN has established and adopted the following Document Retention and Destruction Policy as of September 2013.


I. Purpose

The purpose of this Document Retention and Destruction Policy (the “Policy”) is to ensure that necessary records and documents are adequately protected and maintained and to ensure that records that are no longer needed by Jazz Education Network (“JEN”) or are of no value are discarded at the proper time. This Policy is also for the purpose of aiding JEN personnel in understanding their obligations in retaining electronic documents – including e-mail, Web files, text files, sound and movie files, PDF documents, and all other Microsoft Office or other formatted files.


II. Administration

Attached as Appendix A is a Record Retention Schedule that is approved as the initial maintenance, retention and disposal schedule for physical records of JEN and the retention and disposal of electronic documents. The JEN Secretary is the officer in charge of the administration of this Policy (the “Administrator”). The Administrator oversees the implementation of the processes and procedures to ensure that the Record Retention Schedule is followed. The Administrator is also authorized to: (i) make modifications to the Record Retention Schedule from time to time to ensure that it is in compliance with local, state and federal laws and includes the appropriate document and record categories for JEN, (ii) monitor local, state and federal laws affecting record retention, (iii) annually review the record retention and disposal program, and (iv) monitor compliance with this Policy.

III. Suspension of Record Disposal in Event of Litigation or Claims

In the event JEN is served with any subpoena or request for documents or any employee or board member becomes aware of a governmental investigation or audit concerning JEN or the commencement of any litigation against or concerning JEN, such employee or board member shall inform the Administrator and any further disposal of documents shall be suspended until such time as the Administrator, with the advice of counsel, determines otherwise. The Administrator shall take such steps as is necessary to promptly inform all staff and board members of any suspension in the further disposal of documents.


IV. Applicability

This Policy applies to all physical records generated in the course of JEN’s operation, including both original documents and reproductions. It also applies to the electronic documents described above.

In compliance with an established directive from the United States Internal Revenue Service, the JEN has established and adopted the following Whistleblower Policy as of September 2013.


Reporting of a Violation of Code of Ethics and Policies
(“Whistleblower Policy”)

The purpose of this policy is to provide all board members, committee members and staff with guidelines for the reporting of unethical or illegal behavior by Jazz Education Network (JEN) board members, committee members, staff, vendors, professional service providers, or affiliated organizations.


JEN is committed to lawful and ethical behavior in all of its activities and requires its board members, committee members and staff (“[organization] person”) to conduct themselves in a manner that complies with all applicable laws and regulations. At any time a JEN person has a concern regarding the propriety or legality of any action contemplated to be taken or that has been taken by the organization or any other JEN person, or believes that an action needs to be taken for JEN to be in compliance with law or appropriate ethical standards, the JEN person should promptly advise the President and/or any member of the Executive Committee. The Executive Committee member being advised will share any and all reports with the remaining members of the Executive Committee immediately, which including includes the Treasurer/Chair of the JEN Finance Committee.

If management is unresponsive, if the complainant believes management will be unresponsive, or if management is itself the subject of the concern, the JEN person should contact the remaining members of the Executive Committee with exception of the party in question.

Every effort will be made to investigate a report by a JEN person as discreetly as possible. Because of the need to investigate the report, correct a problem, or prevent future problems, JEN cannot, however, promise complete confidentiality.

No [organization] person will be discharged, threatened, or discriminated against in any manner for reporting in good faith what he or she perceives to be wrongdoing, violations of law, or unethical conduct.


1. The Finance Committee formulates financial policies, delegates administration of the financial policies to the Board of Directors and reviews operations and activities.
2. The Executive Committee has management responsibility including financial management.
3. Financial duties and responsibilities must be separated so that no one director has sole control over cash receipts; disbursements; reconciliation of bank accounts, etc.
4. Professional financial service providers will be established annually.
5. The Treasurer will maintain a current and accurate log of the chart of accounts, job accounts and accounting classes.
6. These policies and procedures will be reviewed bi-annually by Finance Committee
7. A “Budget Manager” shall be defined as individuals appointed to oversee specific areas within the Approved budget.

II. CASH RECEIPTS (includes checks)

1. The Office Manager opens any mail addressed to Jazz Education Network or without specific addressee. The Office Mgr. immediately deposits into the JEN bank account and forwards a record of such deposits to the Bookkeeper and Treasurer for recording in the accounting system.
2. The Treasurer or Office Manager will endorse all checks by rubber stamp to read as follows:

__________ Bank
Account #
Organization Name
Account Number

The endorsement stamp will specify into which corporate account (savings, checking) the deposit will be made. Receipts will be given for cash as in #8 above.

3. A report will be created that includes the source and amount of the receipt as well as the total daily deposit amount for checks or cash only.
4. Documentation for all receipts (a copy of check, letter, etc.) will be attached to the duplicate slip and filed chronologically.
5. All receipts will be deposited intact. No disbursements will be made from cash or check receipts prior to deposit.
6. Cash shall be locked in a secure location until taken to the bank.
7. The Treasurer and Bookkeeper will receive a copy of all deposit reports for review.
8. Checks received by the Operations Manager location will be endorsed as in #2 above and mailed to the mail office for processing.


A. Check Authorization

1. All invoices will be immediately forwarded to the Bookkeeper and the Treasurer who will review all invoices for mathematical accuracy, validity, conformity to the budget (or other board authorization) and compliance with bid requirements.
2. By approving an invoice, the Treasurer indicates that it has been reviewed and authorizes a check.
3. Approved invoices will be entered into the banking and accounting system
4. The Treasurer and/or Bookkeeper will prepare checks as needed.
5. Authorized signers on Jazz Education Network accounts include Budget Managers.

B. Checks

1. The Treasurer will be responsible for all blank checks.
2. All checks and online payment transactions, including payroll will be signed by designated members of the Board of Directors and must be authorized by the Treasurer.
3. The Treasurer will generate checks for approved invoices through the accounting system.
4. Voided checks will have “VOID” written boldly in ink on the face and have the signature portion of the check torn out. Voided checks will be kept on file.
5. In no event will:

a. invoices be paid unless approved by an authorized signer
b. blank checks (checks without a date or payee designated) be signed in advance
c. Checks are made out to “cash,” “bearer,” “petty cash,” etc.
d. Checks are prepared on verbal authorization, unless approved by the Finance Committee.

6. In the event that it is necessary to issue a duplicate check for checks in an amount over
$50, a stop payment will be ordered at the bank on the original check.

C. Bank Reconciliations

1. Bank statements will be reviewed by the Treasurer, and at least one other Finance Committee Member.
2. The Treasurer will reconcile the bank statement monthly.
3. The Treasurer of the Board will receive monthly statements of checks paid on all accounts.
4. The Treasurer and Bookkeeper shall verify the reconciliation of the bank accounts on a monthly basis.
5. On all checks outstanding over 90 days, the Treasurer or his/her designate should take appropriate action.



A. Purchases $5,000 or less

All disbursements of JEN assets must be approved according to the policies below:
  1. Requests of up to $2,000 require the approval of the JEN Treasurer, President, Managing Director or Budget Manager*.
  2. Requests between $2,000 and $10,000 require the approval of both the JEN Treasurer and President*.
  3. Requests of $10,000 and above require JEN Board approval and must comply with JEN’s competitive bid procedures.
*Requests of up to $5,000 for conference related expenses may be approved by the Conference Coordinator.
The JEN Treasurer & Bookkeeper review all requests to verify that the necessary approvals have been granted before processing the final disbursement of funds.

B. Purchases Over $5,000

1. Purchases over $5,000 will be required to undergo a competitive bid procedure.
2. All bid requests will contain clear specifications and will not contain features that unduly restrict competition.
3. The Budget Manager will be responsible to ensure that all conditions and specifications of a contract, bid, or order have been satisfactorily fulfilled and will be responsible for timely follow-up of these purchases.
4. The Budget Manager will obtain at least 3 bids wherever possible unless prior approval by Finance Committee has been obtained.
5. Purchases over $5,000 will not be fragmented or reduced to components of less than $5,000 to avoid the bid process.
6. The Finance Committee shall review all bids and recommend a preferred bid to the EC or Board for approval.

C. Purchase Limitations

1. In no case shall Budget Managers exceed the approved budget line without prior approval of the President.


1. Consideration will be made of internal capabilities to accomplish services without cost to JEN before contracting for them.
2. Written contracts clearly defining work to be performed, terms and conditions will be maintained for all consultant and contract services.
3. The qualifications of the consultant and reasonableness of fees will be considered in hiring consultants.
4. Consultant services will be paid for as work is performed or as delineated in the contract.
5. The Board of Directors will review and approve significant contracts prior to signature.
6. The Bookkeeper, in consultation with the Treasurer will prepare Form 1099-MISC for Independent Contractors at year-end as required.



A. Equipment

1. Equipment shall be defined as all items (purchased or donated) with a unit cost of $500 or more and a useful life of more than one year.
2. The Treasurer will maintain an inventory log; which shall list a description of the item, date of purchase or acquisition, price or fair value of the item and its location.
3. A depreciation schedule shall be prepared at least annually for the audited financial statements.
4. The Treasurer will record all equipment in the accounting system. An entry must be made whenever property is disposed of or acquired.



A. Real Estate

1. The Executive Committee will review leases prior to submission to the Board of Directors for approval.
2. All leases, clearly delineating terms and conditions, will be approved by the Board of Directors and signed by the proper designates of the Board of Directors.
3. The Treasurer will keep a copy of each lease on file.
4. The Consulting Accountant will be notified of each lease and lease specifications, and will make proper general journal entries for same.

B. Equipment

1. The Finance Committee will review all leases.
2. All leases, clearly delineating terms and conditions, will be approved and signed by the Executive Committee.
3. The Treasurer will keep a copy of each lease on file.
4. The Consulting Accountant will be notified of each lease and lease specifications, and will make proper general journal entries for same.



1. Reasonable, adequate coverage will be maintained to safeguard the assets of the corporation. Such coverage will include Board and Officer Insurance, property and liability, workers’ compensation, employee dishonesty and other insurance deemed necessary.
2. The Treasurer will carefully review insurance policies before renewal.
3. The Treasurer will maintain insurance policies in insurance files.
4. Insurance policies will correspond to the calendar year whenever possible.
5. The Treasurer will prepare and maintain an insurance register.


1. Not applicable



1. Jazz Education Network will utilize a double entry system for accounting for all funds.
2. Adequate documentation will be maintained to support all general entries.
3. At the end of each month, the Bookkeeper will prepare a Balance Sheet, Statement of Activities, and Statement of Activities by Project that will be reviewed by the Finance Committee.
4. The Statement of Activities report will include a comparison to the current budget and previous year actuals.
5. Jazz Education Network will maintain its accounting records on the Cash basis in a manner that facilitates the preparation of audited financial statements conforming to generally accepted accounting principles.



1. The Finance Committee will carefully review each award and contract to ensure compliance with all financial and programmatic provisions. The Corporation will maintain originals of all grants and contracts in a file. The Consulting Accountant will prepare initial entries as appropriate to record each award.
2. The Corporation will prepare and maintain on a current basis a Grant/Contract Summary form for each grant or contract awarded to Jazz Education Network. This form shall include the name, address, contact person, and phone number for the funding organization; the time period applicable to expenditures; all significant covenants (such as bonding or liability insurance requirements) and restrictions on expenditures; all require financial and program report and due dates; and the chart of accounts line item number for the revenue deposited.
3. Payments for projects for which Jazz Education Network serves as fiscal agent shall be paid out within 30 days of receipt.
4. The Bookkeeper or Treasurer will prepare financial reports to funding sources as required.
5. The Finance Committee will review and approve all reports to funding sources.
6. It will be the responsibility of the Treasurer to insure that all financial reports are submitted on a timely basis.



1. The Finance Committee will prepare the financial budget for approval by the Board.
2. The Corporation will ensure that budgets are on file.
3. The President and the Treasurer must approve proposed increases in the budget, should they exceed $500 or 25% greater than the line item, whichever is greater.
4. The President-Elect shall act in the President’s absence.



1. Loans shall be handled in accordance with the current by-laws of the Jazz Education Network.
2. No money shall be borrowed or debts incurred without review and approval by the Board.



A. Minutes of Meetings

1. The Secretary of the Board will prepare accurate minutes of all meetings of the Board of Directors and committees.
2. The Treasurer will note all items in the minutes relating to finance and take appropriate action.

B. Non-Program Income

1. Donations of cash and non-program related income will be a line item in the approved budget and financial statements.

C. Accounts Receivable

1. Documentation will be maintained for accounts receivable.
2. Accounts receivable will be recorded in the books and collected on a timely basis.

D. Financial Procedures

1. The Board of Directors must approve changes to the financial procedures prior to implementation.

E. Form 990

1. The Treasurer and President will authorize preparation of Form 990. Form 990 will be signed by the President.
2. Copies of Form 990 will be filed in the corporation’s files, and a copy of the Jazz Education Network Form 990 and Form 1023 shall be posted online for public inspection and/or copying.

F. Audits

1. The Board of Directors shall annually contract with an independent auditing firm a full audit of the books as appropriate and necessary.

G. Fiscal Agent Status

1. The Jazz Education Network executive committee or Board must authorize all fiscal agent agreements.
2. All fiscal agent arrangements will begin with a written agreement, stating the terms of the relationship and the purpose for the use of funds.
3. Fiscal agent agreements will be limited to projects for which the Jazz Education Network executive committee determines that the project is charitable and consistent with the mission of strengthening the corporation, and that no real or perceived conflicts of interest exist with board or executive committee members.
4. The Jazz Education Network will negotiate with the sponsored project a rate for indirect or direct costs to cover the corporation’s expenses of administering the temporarily restricted fund.
5. Sponsored projects will be required to submit full and complete quarterly and year end reports to the corporation by the end of the fiscal year, June 30: and must include:

a. detailed expenses using budget categories for original grant;
b. program accomplishments and activities;
c. Amount of remaining funds.

6. Any changes in the purpose for which grant funds are spent must be approved in writing by the Executive Committee or Board before implementation. The Jazz Education Network retains the right, if sponsored project breaches the fiscal sponsorship agreement, or if a sponsored project jeopardizes the legal or tax status, to withhold, withdraw, or demand immediate return of grant funds.
7. The Jazz Education Network’s Budget Manager will submit quarterly reports to the Executive Committee, to be circulated to the entire board, on the status of active fiscal agreements.
8. The Jazz Education Network will file appropriate tax forms for sponsored projects, including IRS form 1099 if applicable.

(Finance Procedures as amended 1/6/14)

charlotte lang

Swiss/Dutch saxophonist Charlotte Lang was born in 1996 in Basel and studied the bachelor and master program at the JAZZCAMPUS Basel under the guidance of Domenic Landolf and Daniel Blanc. She is currently studying the Master of Music in Global Jazz at the Berklee College of Music in Boston under the artistic direction of Danilo Pérez. In addition she is part of Terri Lyne Carrington’s Berklee Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice.


From 2015 to 2018, Charlotte she was a member of the Swiss National Youth Jazz Orchestra under the direction of Christian Muthspiel. Since 2020, she became a member of the German National Youth Jazz Orchestra (Bundesjazzorchester Deutschland), under the direction of Niels Klein and Ansgar Striepens. She also plays is the Austrian FJO (Frauen Jazz Orchester→Women Jazz Orchestra of Austria).


In 2021, Charlotte founded her own Quintet the „Charlotte Lang Group“, for what she is composing, arranging and booking. In the fall 2023, her first album will be recorded and hopefully released by a renowned label.


Charlotte plays in the “Swiss Jazz Orchestra” and the “Zurich Jazz Orchestra”, the two professional Big Bands of Switzerland.

Charlotte recently got the unique opportunity to write a monthly blog for the Swiss Jazz & Blues Magazine called JAZZTIME, to tell readers about her time at abroad and specifically her time at Berklee. Her graduate program lasts only until the summer of 2023. She hopes to stay in the United States to enlarge her network and build her musical career.