JEN’s scholarship program has been in existence since the organization’s first year and remains an important benefit to the members and students we serve. Each year, we proudly recognize talented, hardworking, aspiring students with a passion for jazz. We also offer a number of additional programs that help fund and support jazz education. JEN Member students and teachers of students are encouraged to self-nominate or nominate a candidate for a particular scholarship. The committee will consider the student in all areas that are applicable.

Scroll through the scholarships below. One might be right for you!

available scholarships

Applications open again
January 1 – March 31, 2025

Some scholarships require JEN membership to be eligible to apply.
Please read all requirements before applying or your application could be disqualified from consideration.

Chick Corea Scholarship for Arranging

Award Criteria

Award Criteria

  • Eligible applicants (aged 35 years or younger) must be JEN members and enrolled in a college or university degree program.
  • Submissions must include new arrangements of a composition by Chick Corea with the standard big band instrumentation:
    • 5 Saxophones (with doubles on flute/clarinet)
    • 4/5 Trumpets
    • 4 Trombones
    • Piano, Guitar, Bass, Drum Set, 1 Additional Percussion
  • New Arrangements are defined as those that have not been previously published/monetized.
  • Merit considered for arrangements with ready playability while still being inventive and expanding or combining styles.
  • Recordings must be submitted in .wav, .mp3, or .m4a formats along with a score and full parts.
  • will have the non-exclusive option of publishing the winning arrangement of a Chick Corea composition or song.

Presented in coordination with & Jazz Education Abroad


award for new arrangements honoring the inventive and style-blending spirit of Chick Corea


•Non-exclusive publishing contract of the work through

•1-year JEN Full Individual membership



In honor of the incredible life and artistry of Chick Corea, the Jazz Education Network (JEN) and Jazz Education Abroad (JEA) – iJazzMusic have partnered to establish The Chick Corea Scholarship for Arranging. This annual award will encourage a younger generation of composers and arrangers to expand their ideas and creativity for large ensembles, awarding efforts for new compositions and arrangements that push the boundaries of instrumentation, fusions of style, and original merit. This scholarship program intends to further the professional potential of its participants with mentorship, financial awards, and publishing opportunities. Scholarship award recipients will bear the distinction of furthering Chick’s indelible spirit – forging new ground in the jazz art form and its expanded reach.

In regards to this exciting opportunity, a few words from Gene Aitken, founder of Jazz Education Abroad and

     “Chick Corea was an American jazz composer, pianist, keyboardist and bandleader. Many of his compositions – Spain, 500 Miles High, LaFiesta, Windows – and others are now considered jazz standards.

     Throughout his life and career, Chick Corea relished in the freedom and the fun to be had in creating something new. Through his numerous compositions, and the decades he spent touring the world, he touched and inspired the lives of millions. 

      Through the sponsorship of the annual Chick Corea Composition Award by, his legacy will continue to reach the hearts of our next generations of jazz musicians…and keep the creative doors open for the future of jazz music.”


  • 2023 – Gary (Kaiji) Wang, University of Miami Frost School of Music 

Deborah Landon Memorial Jazz Scholarship

Award Criteria

  • Eligible applicants must be high school student musicians who have (a) either already graduated or are confirmed to graduate within the award process cycle and (b) intend to pursue jazz studies at a higher level of education.
  • Applicants must have declared and verified a Letter of Intent (LOI) to enroll with acceptance to a broadly relevant degree program at a college or university at the time of award decision (May).
  • Representation of need–
    • Reported Expected Family Contribution (EFC) amount from a completed Free Application for Financial Student Aid (FAFSA) within a current award cycle. EFC is measured against tuition cost under Federal Pell Grant eligibility criteria. AND/OR 
    • Narrative describing how receiving the Landon award along with other broad support enables the applicant to pursue their educational goals.


Award Process

  • Applications will be adjudicated by a diverse, relevant expert panel of JEN members and affiliated representatives.
  • Applications will be open January 15 – April 15. Review & Adjudication Jury will deliberate during the month of April and the award recipients are announced in May.


Scholarship Award Details

  • Two recipients will receive:
    • $1,500 USD financial award
    • 1 year of mentorship with a JEN-designated expert professional in each recipient’s instrumental, vocal, composition or relevant field of study.
    • 1-year JEN Membership with full benefits.



awards for graduation high schoolers matriculating to college programs demonstrable financial need

•1 year of periodic success coaching

•1-year JEN Full Individual membership



In honor of the life and legacy of Deborah Leona Landon, JEN has partnered with the funders to establish the Deborah Landon Memorial Scholarship. This annual award will help bridge the financial gaps of first-year university or college students who have the passion, but not the full means, to study jazz performance. This scholarship program intends to further the success of its participants with direct mentorship aimed at counseling the crucial period of transition for a graduating high school student in a first-year setting in higher education.

  • 2023 – Derrick Johns, W.P. Davidson High School, Mobile, Alabama
  • 2023 – Dominique Frazier, The Colony, Texas

Dr. Dee Daniels Vocal Jazz Scholarship


Award Criteria

  • Applications will be accepted from students who are currently enrolled in a college degree program for vocal jazz performance; or from graduating high school seniors with declared intentions to matriculate into a college vocal jazz program.
  • Applicants should display exceptional talent and potential in jazz performance and/or education or industry. They should demonstrate potential for growth, artistic accomplishments, and leadership skills.
  • Applicants should demonstrate financial need related to college tuition and/or school-related expenses via narrative paragraph -or- Federal Pell Grant eligibility (EFC).
  • Recipients will be accountable for how their scholarship award is applied with reporting back to JEN and Funders.
  • Demonstrate a high level of self-motivation and the ability to apply experience and knowledge to their performance.


Award Process

  • Applications and audition submissions will be adjudicated by a diverse, relevant expert panel of JEN member and affiliated representatives.
  • Applications will open January 15 and close April 15. Review & Adjudication Jury will deliberate during the month of April and the award recipients are announced in May.


Scholarship Award Details

  • One recipient will receive:
    • $1,000 USD financial award
    • 3 private lessons (2 hours each) with Dr. Dee Daniels arranged either in person or through digital platforms
    • Opportunity to be mentored by JEN-selected professional vocalists while attending a JEN Conference – with avenues to expand their jazz vocal skills, knowledge, and practical experience through attending clinics, having private lessons, and shadowing JEN-selected vocal artists. A private lesson and shadowing with Dr. Daniels will be included whenever she attends the Conference.
  • 1-year JEN Membership with full benefits.
  • All applicants will receive feedback and evaluation of their submissions.


Application Submission Requirements

  • If the applicant is under the age of 18 (at the time of the application), a letter of consent from a parent or legal guardian is required.
  • Letter of recommendation from school music director, professional jazz artist, or accredited jazz music industry professional.
  • Be a high school, college, or university student who is currently active in a vocal jazz performance program.
  • A short biography of 200 words or less
  • Current high-res photo
  • Short written resumé of musical experiences, including any special recognition (i.e. honor choir, awards, special performances, etc.).
  • A short written statement of professional intent of 300 words or less, describing your musical plans and how this scholarship will further your goals.
  • Submit three individual digital video recordings (each song should be on a separate video, do not put all three songs on one video). Please include the following in the following order:
    • A jazz ballad (first 8 bars a cappella; the rest performed with instrumental accompaniment).
    • A medium or up-tempo swing tune.
    • A bebop, blues or latin (e.g. bossa nova, samba, rhumba) tune.
      • Improvisation (scatting) is encouraged on at least one of the pieces.
      • Your music should come from the appropriate repertoire. Use of a Standards Real Book or Standards Fake Book is acceptable.
      • Original compositions within the jazz genre are also acceptable.
      • All audition submissions must be memorized and performed without the use of sheet music.


Accompaniment Requirements

  • Accompaniment is limited to piano or guitar.
  • You may accompany yourself (on piano or guitar) keeping in mind only the vocals are being adjudicated.
  • Make sure the level of your accompaniment does not overpower the sound of your voice in the recording.

Guidelines for Videotaping Your Audition
Video from any camera, mobile device, or computer is suitable under the following guidelines.

  • Leave the camera in one location. Shoot the vocalist straight on.
  • Be sure your image is clear and well–lit. Judges should be able to see your face clearly.
  • The camera should be set at a distance to frame your face and body clearly.
  • Check for good balance and blend. Please ensure the balance between accompaniment and voice is appropriate.

Evaluation Criteria

  • Professional Aspirations
    • Statement of professional intent, biography, and resumé of experiences will be considered in context of the recorded audition videos.
  • Audition
    • Presentation.
    • Tone Production — the ability to achieve a quality of sound appropriate to the type of voice and to the style of the music.
    • Technique — the degree to which the performer has acquired control of the voice.
    • Diction — accurate pronunciation and clear articulation.
    • Intonation — singing in tune.
    • Interpretation — the ability to accurately express a clear understanding of the lyrics of each song. The method of expression is the recipient’s choice and/or creation.
    • Phrasing — sensitivity to the need for phrasing and the ability to execute it.
    • Timing.


award for a vocalist with professional performance aspirations

•Three 2-hour sessions with Dr. Daniels, either digitally or in person (Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada)

•Dedicated mentorship at an upcoming JEN conference

•1-year JEN Full Individual membership

The Dr. Dee Daniels Vocal Jazz Scholarship has been established by Dr. Daniels to provide young aspiring jazz vocalists with the opportunity to be mentored by renowned professional jazz artists, and to hone the craft of jazz singing, performance, and music industry business. The annual award will offer each recipient the opportunity to be inspired, and to inspire others while attending JEN Conferences.

  • 2023 – Ruby Pucillo, University of Denver Lamont School of Music

Stanley Kay Scholarship for Drummers

Award Criteria

  • Applications and auditions will be accepted from students aged 15-25 who are currently enrolled in a college degree program for music performance or are in high school-level jazz or community music programs.
  • Applicants should display exceptional talent and potential growth in jazz orchestra, big band, or large ensemble performance.
  • Applicants will provide a narrative statement indicating how this award process will advance their long-term musical goals.
  • Applicants will secure a recommendation letter from a relevant music teacher or mentor.
  • Recipients will be accountable for how their scholarship award is applied with usage reporting back to JEN.


Award Process

  • Applications and audition submissions will be adjudicated by a diverse, relevant expert panel of JEN member and affiliated representatives.
  • Applications will be open January 15 – April 15. Review & Adjudication Jury will deliberate during the month of April and the award recipients are announced in May.


Scholarship Award Details

  • The award recipient will receive:
    • $1,000 USD financial award
    • 1 year JEN Membership with full benefits.
  • All applicants will receive feedback and evaluation of their submissions.


Application and Audition Requirements

Applicants for the Stanley Kay Scholarship for Jazz Drummers will prepare the following materials and video audition media for consideration:

  1. A cover letter expressing WHY this opportunity would make a difference in the applicant’s musical life and aspirations.
  2. A letter of recommendation from a music teacher (private teacher, band director, regional ensemble conductor, etc.).
  3. Three to four video links or files of the applicant’s Big Band/Large Ensemble/Jazz Orchestra drumming. Media clips must be edited to feature drumming highlights (“shout” sections, interactive accompaniment, or solos) and be no more than 2.5 minutes long or should include timestamps for relevant sections if editing is not possible.
    • Big Band play-along tracks are acceptable (2.5 minutes each track) if a live performance isn’t possible.
      • Medium or up-tempo swing 
      • Ballad or slow swing
      • Afro-Cuban or Brazilian
      • Optional – style of applicant’s choice
Examples of acceptable tracks are available in the GetAcceptd platform.

Presented in coordination with
the DIVA Jazz Orchestra


award to a drummer honoring the legacy of Stanley Kay and big band drumming

•1-year JEN Full Individual membership

The DIVA Jazz Orchestra and JEN have partnered to provide young aspiring jazz drummers with the opportunity to be recognized and awarded for their dedication to the craft of big band playing. The Stanley Kay Jazz Drummer Scholarship honors the musical legacy, integrity, creativity, and excellence of DIVA’s founder, advancing a next generation of performers and large jazz ensemble repertoire. It takes on the eleven-plus year legacy of this same award fro the DIVA Jazz Orchestra.



  • 2023 – Beckett Miles, Douglas Anderson School of the Arts, Jacksonville, Florida
  • 2022 – Ben “YYZ” Santos
  • 2021 – Nolan Willey
  • 2019 – Anthony Pacheco
  • 2018 – Tetyana Haraschuk
  • 2017 – Maria Marmarou
  • 2016 – Nick Kepron
  • 2015 – Maya Stepansky
  • 2014 – Liuba Miranosava
  • 2013 – Merlin Joseph, Jr.
  • 2012 – Fred Griggs
  • 2011 – Isabelle DeLeon

Dave Brubeck Composer & Pianist Scholarship

Dave Brubeck Living Legacy Scholarship Requirements:

  1. Applicants must be a collegiate-level student attending classes in the fall semester in the field of jazz with a focus on composition and/or piano.
  2. Uploaded audition should include an original composition.
  3. Required attendance at the next conference in January.


Application Process:

  • Application is open January 1 – April 1.
  • Application should include a written statement of artistic and professional goals and reason for application.
  • Applicant should upload 3 audio and/or videos of playing. One upload should be an of an original composition.
  • One Letter of Recommendation (LOR).

Presented in coordination with
Brubeck Living Legacy Foundation



Conference Award Package ($3,500 value)

The Dave Brubeck Composer and Pianist Scholarship will be awarded to a collegiate-level student in the field of jazz,
with a focus on composition and/or piano.

The recipient of this prestigious scholarship will receive the following:

  • $1000 financial scholarship
  • The book, “Dave Brubeck: A Life in Time,” by Philip Clark
  • A collection of Dave Brubeck recordings.
  • Registration for the next Jazz Education Network (JEN) conference in January.
  • Designated mentor throughout the January conference.
  • $250 per diem for meals throughout the conference.
  • 4 nights hotel lodging during the conference reserved by the Jazz Education Network.
  • Roundtrip flight + taxi/car pickup to/from airport arranged by the Jazz Education Network.
  • One-year full individual Jazz Education Network membership.
  • 2023 – Ebba Dankel, Berklee College of Music
  • 2022 – Joey Curreri, University of Miami Frost School of Music

Yamaha / Jim Widner Scholarship


for JEN Core Scholarships*:

*JEN offers a variety of scholarships for full-time high school and college students. Only one application is needed to be considered for any of the following scholarships applicable to a candidate’s qualifications:

Yamaha Jim Widner • David Baker • Jamey Aebersold • Hal Leonard • Dr. Lou Fischer • Mary Jo Papich • Mary Ann Fischer

All other scholarships administered by JEN require separate applications. They can also be found on the GetAcceptd platform.


JEN Member Students and JEN Member teachers of students are encouraged to click the appropriate tab to self-nominate or nominate a candidate for a particular scholarship. The committee will consider the student in all areas that are applicable.


Eligibility Criteria for Yamaha Jim Widner Scholarship: 

  • Outstanding university student, who, in the opinion of their peers and instructors, displays an exceptional talent and potential in jazz performance and/or education or industry (NOTE: Some JEN Core Scholarships are only for college/university students or those matriculating into full-time university studies in the fall.)
  • Demonstrates potential for growth, artistic accomplishments and leadership skills
  • University students should demonstrate financial need related to college tuition and/or school related expenses
  • Must participate in a jazz class or ensemble during the school year after the scholarship is granted

: Please have all information needed prepared prior to submitting an application.

  • Nomination and/or Self-Nomination by a current JEN member may be submitted online with required support materials.
  • Narrative describing how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
  • The applicant’s address, phone number(s) and email address are required data.
  • Recordings of performance (either audio or video) that demonstrate your ability and growth in pursuit of Black American Music and jazz styles. These do not need to be perfectly polished productions, but your performance or writing/arranging should be demonstrable.
  • Three to five letters of support (three minimum required), including one support letter from your relevant Jazz Program/Ensemble director.
  • A short biography (200 words or less).
  • A current hi res photo (300dpi or greater).

Application Timeline: 

  • Application Forms and Criteria are available online until closed for the various scholarships and awards.
  • Scholarships will be notified via email and/or mail by the end of May.
  • Submit ONE application for all applicable scholarships.
  • DEADLINE: APRIL 1 – Application and additional support materials to all programs.
  • May – Notification to recipients as applicable by the end of May.

Presented in coordination with Yamaha


The Yamaha Jim Widner Scholarship honors the memory of JEN Founding member and legendary jazz educator, Jim Widner. 

This distinguished scholarship is awarded to a university/college student. 

The recipient of this award will also receive a 1-year full individual JEN membership.

  • 2023 – Connor Sullivan, DePaul University
  • 2022 – Daniel Cohen, New York, New York

David Baker Scholarship


for JEN Core Scholarships*:

*JEN offers a variety of scholarships for full-time high school and college students. Only one application is needed to be considered for any of the following scholarships applicable to a candidate’s qualifications:

Yamaha Jim Widner • David Baker • Jamey Aebersold • Hal Leonard • Dr. Lou Fischer • Mary Jo Papich • Mary Ann Fischer

All other scholarships administered by JEN require separate applications. They can also be found on the GetAcceptd platform.


JEN Member Students and JEN Member teachers of students are encouraged to click the appropriate tab to self-nominate or nominate a candidate for a particular scholarship. The committee will consider the student in all areas that are applicable.



Eligibility Criteria for David Baker Scholarship: 

  • Outstanding university student, who, in the opinion of their peers and instructors, displays an exceptional talent and potential in jazz performance and/or education or industry (NOTE: Some JEN Core Scholarships are only for college/university students or those matriculating into full-time university studies in the fall.)
  • Demonstrates potential for growth, artistic accomplishments and leadership skills
  • University students should demonstrate financial need related to college tuition and/or school related expenses
  • Must participate in a jazz class or ensemble during the school year after the scholarship is granted

: Please have all information needed prepared prior to submitting an application.

  • Nomination and/or Self-Nomination by a current JEN member may be submitted online with required support materials.
  • Narrative describing how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
  • The applicant’s address, phone number(s) and email address are required data.
  • Recordings of performance (either audio or video) that demonstrate your ability and growth in pursuit of Black American Music and jazz styles. These do not need to be perfectly polished productions, but your performance or writing/arranging should be demonstrable.
  • Three to five letters of support (three minimum required), including one support letter from your relevant Jazz Program/Ensemble director.
  • A short biography (200 words or less).
  • A current hi res photo (300dpi or greater).

Application Timeline: 

  • Application Forms and Criteria are available online until closed for the various scholarships and awards.
  • Scholarships will be notified via email and/or mail by the end of May.
  • Submit ONE application for all applicable scholarships.
  • DEADLINE: APRIL 1 – Application and additional support materials to all programs.
  • May – Notification to recipients as applicable by the end of May.


Established in 2010 by Jamey Aebersold to honor the contributions of NEA Jazz Master/Educator and JEN LeJENd of Jazz Education, David Baker, this award recognizes a university student who demonstrates talent, spirit, and commitment to the field of jazz studies. The recipient of this award will also receive a 1-year JEN membership.

*JEN membership required to apply.

  • 2023 – Nicolle Garcia, University of Miami Frost School of Music
  • 2022 – Alyssa Allgood, DePaul University
  • 2021 – Domi Edson, Central Washington University
  • 2020 – Solomon Abang, University of Louisiana Monroe
  • 2019 – Rashaad Greene, University of Massachusets Amherst
  • 2018 – Kyle Schardt, Indiana University
  •  2017 – Crystal Rebone, University of Illinois
  • 2016 – Chang Su, University of Northern Colorado
  • 2015 – Tyler Lindsay, Loyola University
  • 2014 – Brian Claxton, University of Northern Colorado
  • 2013 – Josh Roberts, Indiana University
  • 2012 – Alex Liu Macias & Jamaal Baptiste, Indiana University
  • 2011 – Daniel Lorrain, University of New Orleans
  • 2010 – Justin Young, University of Missouri St. Louis

Hal Leonard Collegiate Scholarship


for JEN Core Scholarships*:
Yamaha Jim Widner • David Baker • Jamey Aebersold • Hal Leonard • Dr. Lou Fischer • Mary Jo Papich • Mary Ann Fischer

*JEN offers a variety of scholarships for full-time high school and college students. Only one application is needed to be considered for any of the following scholarships applicable to a candidate’s qualifications.

All other scholarships administered by JEN require separate applications. They can also be found on the GetAcceptd platform.


JEN Member Students and JEN Member teachers of students are encouraged to click the appropriate tab to self-nominate or nominate a candidate for a particular scholarship. The committee will consider the student in all areas that are applicable.


Application Timeline: 

  • Application Forms and Criteria are available online until closed for the various scholarships and awards.
  • Scholarships will be notified via email and/or mail by the end of May.
  • Submit ONE application for all applicable scholarships.
  • DEADLINE – APRIL 15 – Application and additional support materials to all programs.
  • May – Notification to recipients as applicable by the end of May.

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Outstanding high school or university student, age 14 and older, who, in the opinion of their peers and instructors, displays an exceptional talent and potential in jazz performance and/or education or industry (NOTE: Some JEN Core Scholarships are only for college/university students or those matriculating into full-time university studies in the fall.)
  • Demonstrates potential for growth, artistic accomplishments and leadership skills
  • University students should demonstrate financial need related to college tuition and/or school related expenses
  • High School students should use the scholarship award as tuition to attend either a summer jazz camp or college tuition and/or school-related expenses
  • Must participate in a jazz class or ensemble during the school year after the scholarship is granted

: Please have all information needed prepared prior to submitting an application.

  • Nomination and/or Self-Nomination by a current JEN member may be submitted online with required support materials.
  • Narrative describing how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
  • The applicant’s address, phone number(s) and email address are required data.
  • Recordings of performance (either audio or video) that demonstrate your ability and growth in pursuit of Black American Music and jazz styles. These do not need to be perfectly polished productions, but your performance or writing/arranging should be demonstrable.
  • Three to five letters of support (three minimum required), including one support letter from your relevant Jazz Program/Ensemble director.
  • A short biography (200 words or less).
  • A current hi res photo (300dpi or greater).


Established in 2011 in partnership with the Hal Leonard Corporation, a JEN Founding Corporate Partner, this award supports a deserving university student entering or continuing their collegiate jazz studies. The recipient of this award will also receive a 1-year JEN membership.

*JEN membership required to apply.

  • 2023 – Daniel Rodriguez-Roig, Berklee College of Music
  • 2022 – Alexandra Biancoviso, Penn State School of Music
  • 2021 -Naomi Nakanishi, Eastman School of Music
  • 2019 – Takumi Kakimoto, Berklee College of Music
  • 2018 – Maya Stepansky, Brubeck Institute Fellow
  • 2017 – Tanner Guss, Indiana University
  • 2016 – Allison Philips, University of Amsterdam, Holland
  • 2015 – Matt Rigger, Indiana University
  • 2014 – Gibran Khan, University of Northern Colorado
  • 2013 – Kelly Garner, University of Miami Frost School of Music
  • 2012 – Kathleen Hollingsworth, University of Miami Frost School of Music
  • 2011 – Billy Wolfe, DePaul University

Jamey Aebersold Endowed Scholarship


for JEN Core Scholarships:
Yamaha Jim Widner • David Baker • Jamey Aebersold • Hal Leonard • Dr. Lou Fischer • Mary Jo Papich • Mary Ann Fischer

JEN offers a variety of scholarships for full-time high school and college students. Only one application is needed to be considered for any of the following scholarships applicable to a candidate’s qualifications.

All other scholarships administered by JEN require separate applications. They can also be found on the GetAcceptd platform.


JEN Member Students and JEN Member teachers of students are encouraged to click the appropriate tab to self-nominate or nominate a candidate for a particular scholarship. The committee will consider the student in all areas that are applicable.


Application Timeline: 

  • Application Forms and Criteria are available online until closed for the various scholarships and awards.
  • Scholarships will be notified via email and/or mail by the end of May.
  • Submit ONE application for all applicable scholarships.
  • DEADLINE – APRIL 15 – Application and additional support materials to all programs.
  • May – Notification to recipients as applicable by the end of May.

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Outstanding high school or university student, age 14 and older, who, in the opinion of their peers and instructors, displays an exceptional talent and potential in jazz performance and/or education or industry (NOTE: Some JEN Core Scholarships are only for college/university students or those matriculating into full-time university studies in the fall.)
  • Demonstrates potential for growth, artistic accomplishments and leadership skills
  • University students should demonstrate financial need related to college tuition and/or school related expenses
  • High School students should use the scholarship award as tuition to attend either a summer jazz camp or college tuition and/or school-related expenses
  • Must participate in a jazz class or ensemble during the school year after the scholarship is granted

: Please have all information needed prepared prior to submitting an application.

  • Nomination and/or Self-Nomination by a current JEN member may be submitted online with required support materials.
  • Narrative describing how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
  • The applicant’s address, phone number(s) and email address are required data.
  • Recordings of performance (either audio or video) that demonstrate your ability and growth in pursuit of Black American Music and jazz styles. These do not need to be perfectly polished productions, but your performance or writing/arranging should be demonstrable.
  • Three to five letters of support (three minimum required), including one support letter from your relevant Jazz Program/Ensemble director.
  • A short biography (200 words or less).
  • A current hi res photo (300dpi or greater).


Established in 2019 to honor the contributions of NEA Jazz Master/Educator and JEN LeJENd of Jazz Education, Jamey Aebersold, this award recognizes a university student who demonstrates a passion for jazz education. The recipient of this award will also receive a 1-year JEN membership.

*JEN membership required to apply.

  • 2023 – Sylvia Khouri, Berklee College of Music
  • 2022 – Trista Casanas Ford, New York University
  • 2021 – Anabella “Bell” Johnson, Temple University
  • 2020 – Marc Schwartz, University of Northern Colorado
  • 2019 – Chris Glassman, Michigan State University

Dr. Lou Fischer JEN Co-Founder Scholarship


for JEN Core Scholarships:
Yamaha Jim Widner • David Baker • Jamey Aebersold • Hal Leonard • Dr. Lou Fischer • Mary Jo Papich • Mary Ann Fischer

JEN offers a variety of scholarships for full-time high school and college students. Only one application is needed to be considered for any of the following scholarships applicable to a candidate’s qualifications.

All other scholarships administered by JEN require separate applications. They can also be found on the GetAcceptd platform.


JEN Member Students and JEN Member teachers of students are encouraged to click the appropriate tab to self-nominate or nominate a candidate for a particular scholarship. The committee will consider the student in all areas that are applicable.


Application Timeline: 

  • Application Forms and Criteria are available online until closed for the various scholarships and awards.
  • Scholarships will be notified via email and/or mail by the end of May.
  • Submit ONE application for all applicable scholarships.
  • DEADLINE – APRIL 15 – Application and additional support materials to all programs.
  • May – Notification to recipients as applicable by the end of May.

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Outstanding high school or university student, age 14 and older, who, in the opinion of their peers and instructors, displays an exceptional talent and potential in jazz performance and/or education or industry (NOTE: Some JEN Core Scholarships are only for college/university students or those matriculating into full-time university studies in the fall.)
  • Demonstrates potential for growth, artistic accomplishments and leadership skills
  • University students should demonstrate financial need related to college tuition and/or school related expenses
  • High School students should use the scholarship award as tuition to attend either a summer jazz camp or college tuition and/or school-related expenses
  • Must participate in a jazz class or ensemble during the school year after the scholarship is granted

: Please have all information needed prepared prior to submitting an application.

  • Nomination and/or Self-Nomination by a current JEN member may be submitted online with required support materials.
  • Narrative describing how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
  • The applicant’s address, phone number(s) and email address are required data.
  • Recordings of performance (either audio or video) that demonstrate your ability and growth in pursuit of Black American Music and jazz styles. These do not need to be perfectly polished productions, but your performance or writing/arranging should be demonstrable.
  • Three to five letters of support (three minimum required), including one support letter from your relevant Jazz Program/Ensemble director.
  • A short biography (200 words or less).
  • A current hi res photo (300dpi or greater).


Established in 2012 by the JEN Board, funded through the JEN Education Fund, and named after JEN Co-Founder Dr. Lou Fischer, this award honors a high school jazz student who is positively contributing to the jazz industry. The recipient of this award will also receive a 1-year JEN membership.

*JEN membership required to apply.

  • 2023 – Elvin DeBruicker, Bloomington High School North, Indiana
  • 2022 – Nathaniel Wray, Mount Si High School, Snoqualmie, Washington
  • 2021 – Brook Lambert, Roosevelt High School, Seattle, Washington
  • 2020 – Gabriel Severn, Loyalsock Township High School, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
  • 2019 – Juliette Gardiner, Grayslake North High School, Illinois
  • 2018 – Joshua Catania, Kettle Moraine School for Arts & Performance, Wales, Wisconsin
  • 2017 – Gabi Basile, Brownell Talbot Prep, Omaha, Nebraska
  • 2016 – Tyler Webb, Uah
  • 2015 – Max Holm, Park City High School, Park City, Utah
  • 2014 – Christopher Parker, Bloomington High School North, Indiana
  • 2013 – Laila Smith, San Jose, California
  • 2012 – Price McGuffey, Youth Performing Arts School, DuPont Manual High School, Louisville, Kentucky
  • 2011 – Jordan Egland Smith, Oldham County High School, Buckner, Kentucky

Mary Jo Papich JEN Co-Founder Women in Jazz Scholarship


for JEN Core Scholarships:
Yamaha Jim Widner • David Baker • Jamey Aebersold • Hal Leonard • Dr. Lou Fischer • Mary Jo Papich • Mary Ann Fischer

JEN offers a variety of scholarships for full-time high school and college students. Only one application is needed to be considered for any of the following scholarships applicable to a candidate’s qualifications.

All other scholarships administered by JEN require separate applications. They can also be found on the GetAcceptd platform.


JEN Member Students and JEN Member teachers of students are encouraged to click the appropriate tab to self-nominate or nominate a candidate for a particular scholarship. The committee will consider the student in all areas that are applicable.


Application Timeline: 

  • Application Forms and Criteria are available online until closed for the various scholarships and awards.
  • Scholarships will be notified via email and/or mail by the end of May.
  • Submit ONE application for all applicable scholarships.
  • DEADLINE – APRIL 15 – Application and additional support materials to all programs.
  • May – Notification to recipients as applicable by the end of May.

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Outstanding high school or university student, age 14 and older, who, in the opinion of their peers and instructors, displays an exceptional talent and potential in jazz performance and/or education or industry (NOTE: Some JEN Core Scholarships are only for college/university students or those matriculating into full-time university studies in the fall.)
  • Demonstrates potential for growth, artistic accomplishments and leadership skills
  • University students should demonstrate financial need related to college tuition and/or school related expenses
  • High School students should use the scholarship award as tuition to attend either a summer jazz camp or college tuition and/or school-related expenses
  • Must participate in a jazz class or ensemble during the school year after the scholarship is granted

: Please have all information needed prepared prior to submitting an application.

  • Nomination and/or Self-Nomination by a current JEN member may be submitted online with required support materials.
  • Narrative describing how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
  • The applicant’s address, phone number(s) and email address are required data.
  • Recordings of performance (either audio or video) that demonstrate your ability and growth in pursuit of Black American Music and jazz styles. These do not need to be perfectly polished productions, but your performance or writing/arranging should be demonstrable.
  • Three to five letters of support (three minimum required), including one support letter from your relevant Jazz Program/Ensemble director.
  • A short biography (200 words or less).
  • A current hi res photo (300dpi or greater).


Established and funded in 2010 by JEN Co-Founder Mary Jo Papich to honor Women in Jazz at the university level, and currently funded by the JEN Education Fund, this award honors a woman or non-binary jazz university student who is displays exemplary leadership in the support of minorities in jazz education and performance.

The recipient of this award will also receive a 1-year JEN membership.

*JEN membership required to apply.

  • 2023 – Laura-Simone Martin, Lawrence High School, Lawrenceville, New Jersey
  • 2022 – Olivia Hughart, New York University
  • 2021 – Yvonne Rogers, University of Rochester
  • 2020 – Cami Mennitte Pereyra, Indiana University
  • 2019 – Lauryn Gould, Texas State University
  • 2018 – Alexandria DeWalt, University of Miami
  • 2017 – Amanda Ekery, New England Conservatory
  • 2016 – Amaya Bickmore, Brigham Young University
  • 2015 – Kristin Sponcia, University of Illinois, Champagne-Urbana
  • 2014 – Alexa Tarantino, Eastman School of Music
  • 2013 – Caitlin Bryant, Grove City College
  • 2012 – Erika Matson, DePauw University
  • 2011 – Megan Tengel, University of New Orleans
  • 2010 – Kim Aubuchon, University of Missouri St. Louis

Mary Ann Fischer Scholarship


for JEN Core Scholarships:
Yamaha Jim Widner • David Baker • Jamey Aebersold • Hal Leonard • Dr. Lou Fischer • Mary Jo Papich • Mary Ann Fischer

JEN offers a variety of scholarships for full-time high school and college students. Only one application is needed to be considered for any of the following scholarships applicable to a candidate’s qualifications.

All other scholarships administered by JEN require separate applications. They can also be found on the GetAcceptd platform.


JEN Member Students and JEN Member teachers of students are encouraged to click the appropriate tab to self-nominate or nominate a candidate for a particular scholarship. The committee will consider the student in all areas that are applicable.


Application Timeline: 

  • Application Forms and Criteria are available online until closed for the various scholarships and awards.
  • Scholarships will be notified via email and/or mail by the end of May.
  • Submit ONE application for all applicable scholarships.
  • DEADLINE – APRIL 15 – Application and additional support materials to all programs.
  • May – Notification to recipients as applicable by the end of May.

Eligibility Criteria: 

  • Outstanding high school or university student, age 14 and older, who, in the opinion of their peers and instructors, displays an exceptional talent and potential in jazz performance and/or education or industry (NOTE: Some JEN Core Scholarships are only for college/university students or those matriculating into full-time university studies in the fall.)
  • Demonstrates potential for growth, artistic accomplishments and leadership skills
  • University students should demonstrate financial need related to college tuition and/or school related expenses
  • High School students should use the scholarship award as tuition to attend either a summer jazz camp or college tuition and/or school-related expenses
  • Must participate in a jazz class or ensemble during the school year after the scholarship is granted

: Please have all information needed prepared prior to submitting an application.

  • Nomination and/or Self-Nomination by a current JEN member may be submitted online with required support materials.
  • Narrative describing how the applicant meets the eligibility criteria.
  • The applicant’s address, phone number(s) and email address are required data.
  • Recordings of performance (either audio or video) that demonstrate your ability and growth in pursuit of Black American Music and jazz styles. These do not need to be perfectly polished productions, but your performance or writing/arranging should be demonstrable.
  • Three to five letters of support (three minimum required), including one support letter from your relevant Jazz Program/Ensemble director.
  • A short biography (200 words or less).
  • A current hi res photo (300dpi or greater).


Established in 2016 by Dr. Lou Fischer to honor the contributions of Mary Ann Fischer, this award will be presented to a deserving high school student bassist entering their collegiate jazz studies the following year. The recipient of this award will also receive a 1-year JEN membership.

*JEN membership required to apply.

  • 2023 – Gabriel Severn, Loyalsock Township High School, Williamsport, Pennsylvania
  • 2022 – Spencer Paulson, Waukee Northwest High School, Clive, Iowa
  • 2021 – Joaquín Eaton Sharon, Idyllwild Arts Academy, Idyllwild-Pine Cove, California
  • 2020 – Vivian Shanley, George Washington High School, Cedar Rapids, Iowa
  • 2019 – Priscilla Corpus, MacArthur High School, Houston, Texas
  • 2018 – Hannah Shoemaker, Christopher Newport University
  • 2017 – David Bredthauer, Brownell Talbot Prep, Omaha, Nebraska

scholarship faq

charlotte lang

Swiss/Dutch saxophonist Charlotte Lang was born in 1996 in Basel and studied the bachelor and master program at the JAZZCAMPUS Basel under the guidance of Domenic Landolf and Daniel Blanc. She is currently studying the Master of Music in Global Jazz at the Berklee College of Music in Boston under the artistic direction of Danilo Pérez. In addition she is part of Terri Lyne Carrington’s Berklee Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice.


From 2015 to 2018, Charlotte she was a member of the Swiss National Youth Jazz Orchestra under the direction of Christian Muthspiel. Since 2020, she became a member of the German National Youth Jazz Orchestra (Bundesjazzorchester Deutschland), under the direction of Niels Klein and Ansgar Striepens. She also plays is the Austrian FJO (Frauen Jazz Orchester→Women Jazz Orchestra of Austria).


In 2021, Charlotte founded her own Quintet the „Charlotte Lang Group“, for what she is composing, arranging and booking. In the fall 2023, her first album will be recorded and hopefully released by a renowned label.


Charlotte plays in the “Swiss Jazz Orchestra” and the “Zurich Jazz Orchestra”, the two professional Big Bands of Switzerland.

Charlotte recently got the unique opportunity to write a monthly blog for the Swiss Jazz & Blues Magazine called JAZZTIME, to tell readers about her time at abroad and specifically her time at Berklee. Her graduate program lasts only until the summer of 2023. She hopes to stay in the United States to enlarge her network and build her musical career.