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Callout for Article Submissions
Jazz Education in Research and Practice, Volume 7
We are excited to announce that our JEN research journal, Jazz Education in Research and Practice (JAZZ), has transitioned to rolling submissions. This change means you can submit articles any time. Submissions will be sent to reviewers within a week or so upon receipt and we hope to have the initial decision within 1-2 months (depending on the availability of reviewers with knowledge of the related area of research). This timeline is typical of academic journals. Depending on the number of revisions required and whether re-review is necessary, accepted article notifications will be sent out around 3-6 months after initial submission. Importantly, accepted articles can then be listed as “in press” on the author’s CV and will typically count toward tenure and promotion at most universities. This change will result in the following other advantages: (1) authors will have more time to revise manuscripts based on reviewer’s comments, (2) more time available should a second round of edits be necessary, (3) reviewers and editors have more time to write in-depth comments, and (4) procedures for publication in JAZZ will be aligned with other similar academic journals. This new timeline is only possible now that a steady flow of manuscripts are being submitted to JAZZ and general standards for papers in each article category (Articles, Research studies, Case studies, Reflective essays, Literature reviews, Quick hits, and Book reviews) has been established within volumes 1-5. We should note that submission within a certain time frame will not guarantee publication in a particular volume. As each issue has a maximum page count, the number of accepted articles within particular categories need to align with the general format of each volume. We still anticipate that volumes are published yearly with the new volume being available at the JEN conference in January.
EFCF/JEN Research Fellowship Applications OPEN!
The Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation is prepared to make a monetary grant of up to $5,000, and an additional $1,000 and may be awarded towards travel and accommodations if the Foundation deems this necessary.
Submission Timeline: May 1 – October 15, 2025
Research Presentations
2025 JEN Conference in Atlanta, Georgia
The research track solicits the submission of original, principled research presentations dealing with topics related to jazz history, pedagogy, industry, and performance practice. Presentations will run parallel to clinics and performances during the conference. We encourage research that has a direct impact on jazz education and performance.
Submission Timeline: April 1 – April 30, 2025
Read or Order your JAZZ Research in Eduacation and Practice Journal
JEN offers the JAZZ Research in Education and Practice Journal, volumes 1 – 6 for purchase or to read online in our member portal. You must be a JEN member at the Full Individual level for electronic access to the journal, however anyone can order the journal. Click the button below to read online. Click the button above to order your own copy.

Monthly Newsletter
Sign up for our monthly newsletter from the JEN Resesarch Interest Group includes news, job listings, and conferences.CLICK HERE for back issues of the JEN RING Newsletter
The Jazz Audiences Initiative was a two-year national market study conducted by the Jazz Arts Group of Columbus with support by the Doris Duke Foundation. All findings, summary reports, and data are featured on the JEN website as a resource for insights into audience development and further research initiatives.
Click to learn more.
Current Research in Jazz
Hardbop (not refereed) http://hardbop.tripod.com/
Journal of Jazz Studies http://newarkwww.rutgers.edu/IJS/JJS.html
Brilliant Corners: A Journal of Jazz and Literature
Jazz Forschung/Jazz Research
Jazz Perspectives
Jazz Research Journal