Performer / Presenter FAQs

have questions?

Scroll through our comprehensive list of FAQs related to the conference. If you still have questions, please email [email protected].

conference application faqs

You must have one of these JEN memberships in order to apply:

  • Full Individual ($125/yr. or $12/mo.)
  • Institution Membership ($450/yr.) *Primary Contact only may apply.
  • Corporate Membership ($650/yr.) *Primary Contact only may apply.

eJEN & yJEN members are NOT eligible to apply.

Click below to download complete application details:


Below are the materials you should prepare to submit with your conference application. Please note that applications received by the deadline (April 30th, 11:59pm) without the required materials will not be considered. Please schedule your photo and recording sessions well in advance to avoid any delays.


NOTE: Lead performers who performed last year (2023) are ineligible to apply to perform as a lead performer this year.
What you will need to apply:

  • Submitter Information (the person submitting the application)
  • Performer Information (if not the submitter)
  • Performance Description (50 word maximum)
  • Presenter photo (300 dpi or higher, .jpg, .jpeg, .png)
  • 3 Audio Files (.mp3, .m4a) – Review is by blind audition. Video uploads will disqualify your application.
  • Stage Plot (.pdf)
  • 3 References (First Name, Last Name, and Email)
  • $30 Non-refundable application fee

Click to download complete details for submitting 2024 PERFORMANCE APPLICATIONS



NOTE: Lead clinicians who presented last year (2023) are ineligible to apply to present a clinic this year.
What you will need to apply:

  • Submitter Information (the person submitting the application)
  • Presenter Information (if not the submitter)
  • Clinic Description (50 word maximum)
  • Clinic Outline (one page maximum, .pdf)
  • Presenter Bio (one page maximum, .pdf)
  • Presenter photo (300 dpi or higher, .jpeg, .jpg, .png)
  • 3 References (First Name, Last Name, and Email)
  • $30 Non-refundable application fee

Click to download complete details for submitting 2024 CLINICIAN APPLICATIONS



What you will need to apply:

  • Submitter Information (the person submitting the application)
  • Presenter Information (if not the submitter)
  • Presentation Description (50 word maximum)
  • Presentation Abstract/Outline (one page maximum, .pdf)
  • Presenter Bio (one page maximum, .pdf)
  • Presenter photo (300 dpi or higher, .jpg, .png, .jpeg)
  • 3 References (First Name, Last Name, and Email)
  • $30 Non-refundable application fee

Click to download complete details for submitting 2024 RESEARCH APPLICATIONS


Application Evaluation Process

You have submitted an application to JEN to present a clinic, concert, or research session/poster — now what happens? In the name of transparency, the process for evaluation of applications is as follows:

  • 2024 applications are OPEN for submission to Perform and/or Present April 1 – April 30.
  • JEN has a commitment to diversity in all staff, board members, volunteers, performers and audiences, including full participation in programs and decision making, such as the selection of performers and presenters at the conference.
  • Applications are evaluated by a very large member review committee, assembled in specialized/qualified teams. The 2024 application review dates are TBD.
  • Team evaluators include experts from all areas assigned to areas as qualified.
  • Evaluations are prioritized by each review team by total score/average score and forwarded to the Conference Coordinator by the Chair for placement in the scheduling grid.
  •  Placement in the scheduling grid includes attention to a balance of details:
    1. Balance in the clinic, research, and industry/business offerings related to type headings.
    2. Balance of performance genres with all genre being considered and placed if possible.
    3. Performance applications receive an initial blind review by the review team.
    4. Balance of Pro Instrumental/Vocal, versus School Community Instrumental/Vocal ensembles.
    5. Balance of scheduling of performances/clinics involving the same people.
    6. Balance of diverse and global offerings in the selection of performers and presenters at the conference.
    7. Appropriate placement on venue/stage based on size or type of group being presented.
    8. Consultation between the Conference Coordinator and Review Team Chair or other EC members when questions arise in placement in the scheduling.
    9. Careful recording of placement in grid to aid in appropriate notification to all accepted performers.
    10. Final review of scheduling grid placement for errors and possible changes or scheduling conflicts prior to notification to those accepted.
    11. A denial letter should not be considered a reflection on the quality of your submission. Rather, the criteria above simply does not allow for everyone to be placed. On an annual basis, JEN programs approximately 35% of the total applications received due to the number of slots available in the schedule.
    12. Due to the number of applications received, it is not possible for JEN to provide feedback as to why a clinic or ensemble performance has been declined. It boils down to space for the offerings in the schedule so difficult cuts have to be made.
    13. Space does not allow us to schedule all the strong clinics and performances that are submitted each year. After extensive input by many evaluators, the JEN Conference Selection Committee offers accepted applicants positioning for programming at the JEN Conference. We strongly encourage everyone to apply in the following year in the event your application is declined.

REVISED 3-29-2021

The TIMELINE below details when you can expect to hear from JEN regarding your conference performance, clinic, or research applications.

  • REMINDER – If accepted to perform or present, you or anyone participating in your presentation or performance, do not need to purchase a conference Registration.
  • All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their submission on the same date.


In order to receive timely communications from the Jazz Education Network, you must:

  • Teach your system to accept emails from [email protected] by inputting JEN as a contact in your system. Otherwise,  information from JEN might end up in your SPAM folder.
  • Stay Informed! Check here often for updates!



  • April 1 – April 30: Applications available online for the 2023 Conference.
    • Click through to complete an application and follow the guidelines as stated.
  • May 1 – July 15: Applications prepared for review and reviewed by a review team per category.
  • July 15 – August 1: Invited Applicants notified of status.
    • JEN notifies ALL applicants of determined status via email.
    • Teach your email, smart phone, or school email system to accept email blasts from the Jazz Education Network or you may not receive your notification.
      • DEADLINE TO ACCEPT- August 1: invited Applicants must confirm and accept the invitation to present or perform by following the instructions contained in the Acceptance letter.
    • WATCH your Inbox (and SPAM folder) for this very important step in the process. JEN will send a direct link to the JEN Conference Badge Portal via email to each lead Performer/Clinician/Leader. It is that individual’s responsibility (the person who completed the application is considered the lead person regarding a session) to be certain to register each individual participating in the presentation or performance for a badge online PRIOR to the conference, including any & all guest artists. We appreciate your compliance as we work to streamline the On Site Registration process for you. IF YOU DO NOT REGISTER someone, that person(s) will be required to stand in line at the conference in order to secure a badge.
      • DEADLINE: December 1: All Ensemble Members (including alloted Chaperones) or Clinic Panel participants MUST be identified at this time and REGISTERED through the JEN Badge Portal in order to receive complimentary badges on site:
      • Additional Chaperones OVER and ABOVE the ALLOTMENT provided by JEN (refer to the FAQ page for this allotment figure in relation to the type of session) should only be registered by purchasing an Additional Chaperone/Management registration.
      • BE ADVISED: This WILL no doubt cause long delays at Registration for you and others participating with you in the conference.
      • Participants NOT entered into the Badge Portal will not receive complimentary badges at the conference registration counter until the leader or lead clinician provides a list of participants to the JEN Registrar on site and the badges can be prepared.
      • Your User ID Number as the person preparing the badge portal entries will be auto-populated for you when you log in as a current JEN member and are REQUIRED to complete the information in the Badge Portal for everyone. Lead performers and clinicians MUST maintain current JEN Full Individual Membership to participate.
      • Anyone missing the filing deadline should expect delays at the Conference Registration Counter to secure badges.
  • December 1-15: Information will be sent to you via email and/or posted on this page related to:
    • Conference Check-in Process.
    • Large Ensemble Arrival & Departure Form Due.
      • If you have a group  consisting of 20+ members who will be arriving together, you should complete this form to aid the hotel with being prepared with staffing for your arrival.
    • Please refer to this page often for updates to most questions you may have.

Additional gear listed below must be requested in advance in the Backline area of the Application Form or it will not be provided. Last minute requests on site most likely cannot be honored.

  • Congas, Timbales & Bongos (provided only if requested in advance on the application form)
  • Electric Keyboard (provided only if requested in advance on the application form)


No. JEN provides a complimentary registration badge to all clinicians and/or performers, including the supporting members of an ensemble or workshop panel as identified in the Badge Registration process after acceptance. 

During the application process to perform or present, an applicant will be asked to acknowledge the following:

  • An understanding that JEN does not provide any other expenses. I understand that all other expenses incurred for attending the conference will be borne by the corporate sponsor or individual participants as applicable.
  • Current membership in JEN at the time of the Annual Conference is required to participate as a Lead Performer or Clinician.
  • If a performance or presentation is selected for the Jazz Education Network Conference, you and all participants involved in the presentation or performance are required to reserve and purchase housing in the Conference hotel at the existing conference rate in order to present or perform. Commuters within a 100 mile radius of the conference are exempt from the housing obligation. Once you are invited to present or perform, as a Conference presenter you will be asked to confirm your acceptance of the invitation and may be asked to provide a registration confirmation number from the conference hotel in order to verify you have complied with this important facet of the process. JEN arranges for a substantial reduction in housing costs with each property where the conference is held. Compliance with this agreement ensures the organization remains financially stable, and allows JEN to reach the hotel imposed attrition rate related to the conference contract, which in turn provides JEN with the hotel event space to present the annual conference, thereby keeping the costs associated with conference production down.
  • The attendee agrees to the use of his or her image and audio clips in JEN official publications, on its website, and/or in promotional materials produced by JEN related to future conferences and in furthering the JEN mission.
  • This conference registration is entered into by the attendee in consideration of the use of the facilities of the Official Conference Hotel(s) during the Annual JEN conference. It is understood and agreed that all facilities of the Official Conference Hotel(s) will be used by attendees at their sole risk, and that attendees shall hold the Official Conference Hotel(s) and the Jazz Education Network harmless for personal injury or property damage resulting from participation in the JEN conference, either on and off the premises of the Official Conference Hotel(s).

NOTE: Refer to the “What gear does JEN provide?” FAQ for details regarding backline and audio/visual provided on site.

  • *IMPORTANT NOTE: Sponsored artists should make arrangements ahead of time with your company to supply specific brands or types of gear for your session or performance. You should then notify JEN well in advance of your sponsor’s endorsement and if they will be providing gear specific to your use. Contact the Conference Coordinator at [email protected].

The Inspirations, LeJENds, Visions, & New Voices each have full backline provided which includes:

  • Professional Staging
  • Professional Sound Reinforcement and Crew w/ample microphones
  • Professional Lighting
  • 1 Piano
  • 1 Bass Amp
  • 1 Guitar Amp
  • 1 Drumset
    • Bass Drum/snare drum/2 rack toms/1 floor tom/3 cymbal stands/hihat stand
    • JEN is NOT able to provide cymbals. Do plan to bring your own cymbals
  • Ample Music Stands
  • Instruments not listed here must be specified in advance through the performance application (congas, timbales, bongos, electric keyboard). 
  • Cymbals
  • B3 organ
  • Acoustic Bass
    • See rental information posted (when available)
  • Additional percussion of any type beyond timbales, congas and/or bongos
  • Rehearsal/Warm-up Spaces
  • Storage Spac

Each of the Clinic Rooms will have the following support equipment:

  • LCD Projector with VGA Cable, HDMI cable option & Screen
    • You must bring your own computer & any required adapter specific to your computer to connect to the VGA or HDMI cables.
  • Small PA System with ample microphones as indicated on your Application Form.
    • Bring your own adapter if you desire to run audio from your computer.
  • JEN does not supply overhead projectors or marker boards.

Clinic rooms #1 is designated as FULL Backline rooms and will be equipped with the following in addition to the gear listed above:

  • Small PA System with ample microphones as indicated on your Application Form
    • PA systems can accommodate a 1/4 or XLR cable.
    • Bring your own adapter if you desire to run audio from your computer.
  • 1 Piano (digital)
  • 1 Bass Amp*
  • 1 Guitar Amp*
  • 1 Drumset*
    • Bass Drum/snare drum/2 rack toms/1 floor tom/3 cymbal stands/hihat stand
    • JEN is NOT able to provide cymbals. Do plan to bring your own.
  • Ample Music Stands


  • Copies of handouts you may wish to distribute
  • Cymbals
  • B3 organ
  • Acoustic Bass
    • See rental information posted below (when available)
  • Additional percussion of any type beyond timbales, congas and/or bongos
  • Additional specialty branded amps or gear of any type
  • Rehearsal/Warm-up Spaces (See space rental link if you desire to rent a block of time. Requests are considered on a First come-first served basis subject to availability on site)
  • Storage Space

 JEN will provide, per research presenter:

  • One high boy table,
  • One 4’x8′ Poster Board mount,
  • Pins necessary for presenting your poster session.

Answer: JEN does not provide basses at the conference. However, we attempt to find local resources where you can rent a bass for your performance at the conference. We recommend you reserve a bass earlier than the week of the conference to ensure availability. Rental negotiations are your responsibility and obligation. JEN provides no liability in this regard. Information will be published as it becomes available.



Renting a bass for use at the conference is quite easy. You work in advance to reserve the bass of your choice directly with the supplier as listed below. Basses are kept on site in the Production Central area for ease of pickup and return for your convenience. Arrangements are between you and the supplier. Rental fees are established by and payable directly to the supplier. JEN does not receiving any portion of the rental fee. JEN does not assume any responsibility, obligation or liability for using the suppliers services.

CONTACT:  Martin Masakowski 504-284-8007 (call or text) or [email protected]


  • Carved German 3/4 bass circa 1920
    • Fishman full circle pickup
    • Thomastik Spirocore Weich strings (purple top)
    • String length: 41.5″ (105cm)
    • Adjustable bridgeto
    • $80 per hour. 
  • Italian Labeled 7/8 bass circa 1950
    • Realist lifeline pickup
    • Thomastik Spirocore weich strings (purple tops)
    • String Length: 41″ (104cm)
    • Adjustable bridge
    • $80 per hour.
  • German Plywood circa 1960
    • Fishman Full Circle Pickup
    • Thomastik Spirocore medium strings (red tops)
    • String Length: 41″ (104cm)
    • Adjustable Bridge
    • $40 per hour. 
  • American Plywood Bass (Kay) 1965
    • Fishman BP-100 Pickup
    • Thomastik Spirocore medium strings (red tops)
    • String Length: 41.5″ (105cm)
    • Adjustable bridge
    • $40 per hour. 
  • Chinese Plywood Bass
    • Underwood Pickup
    • Thomastik Spirocore medium strings (red tops)
    • String Length: 41″ (104cm)
    • Adjustable Bridge
    • $40 per hour. 

All payments accepted. Cash/Credit/Paypal/Venmo/Crypto.

CONTACT:  Martin Masakowski 504-284-8007 (call or text) or [email protected]

As of the 2026 Conference JEN has discontinued the selling of recordings at the JEN Store.

2025 Conference Registration Desk hours

Wednesday 1/7/26
6pm – 8:30pm

Thursday 1/8/26

9:00am – 12noon



Friday 1/9/26

9:00am – 12noon



Saturday 1/10/26

10am – 12noon



If accepted, you will be asked to register yourself along with any additional personnel involved in your performance or presentation for badges at a later date. You will be sent an email from our Conference Harvester system to complete this and other tasks related to your presentation/performance.

At the Conference Registration desk. In order to move the lines faster, there are various lines at the Registration Counter. Please read this information in its entirety to find out where you should pick up your badge:

  • If you are an Exhibitor, regardless of whether you are a performer or clinician, you should pick up your badge at the Exhibitor Window.
  • If you are a Performer or Presenter who is also an Exhibitor, pick up your badge at the Exhibitor Window.
  • If you are a PRO Performer or Clinician, and you are NOT an exhibitor, you should pick up your badge at the Pre-Registered Window.
  • School Ensemble Directors should pick up badge packets containing all of your participant badges at the School Ensemble window. Badges will not be released to individual performers of any School Ensemble.

For Ensembles:

 Ensembles will receive one (1) complimentary Registration Badge for each member of the ensemble and for one (1) director, and an allotment for complimentary chaperone/management badges as detailed below. Additional chaperone badges added to your roster will be billed as stated, due and payable ahead of time or at the registration counter upon pickup. 

Complimentary chaperone/management registration badges are calculated as follows:

  • One (1) director registration badge is allotted per ensemble.
  • One (1) chaperone registration badge for every five (5) ensemble members (director included).
  • DO count yourself (as the ensemble director) in the ensemble total, rounding off to the nearest multiplier of five (5), to arrive at the total allotment for chaperones.
  • For example, if you have an 18-piece big band + yourself (19 total), you will be allowed to request four (4) additional registration badges beyond the members of your ensemble, as the nearest multiplier of five (5) is twenty (20). If you have a 16-piece ensemble + yourself (17 total), you will be allowed three (3) additional badges, as the closest multiplier of five (5) is fifteen (15).

For Session Presenters/Clinicians:

  • Session Presenters/Clinicians and those presenting as an assistant, or providing backup assistance on a clinic receive one complimentary registration badge as well.
  • Family members and friends do not receive complimentary registration badges, but may purchase a single daytime or evening event pass.

Yes! Your badge will allow you access to all conference events from Wednesday evening at 8pm through closing Saturday evening.

Here are the deadlines you need to know for badge registration:

  • November 1 – November 21 – Badge registration window.
  • November 21 – Badge registration deadline without penalty.
  • November 22 – December 10: New online badge registration submissions from Nov. 22 – Dec. 10 will be charged a $50 service fee.
  • December 11 – No online badge submissions or changes will be accepted and must be done at the conference registration dest in Atlanta. A service fee of $75 will be charged at that time.

NOTE: Badge registrations is part of your task list in the Conference Harvester.  

Anyone attending the conference is required to have a registration badge in order to move freely about the conference.

You will be charged for additional chaperone badges beyond the allotment at $100 per individual badge.

Additional Chaperone/Management Badges can be purchased on site by the leader or director of an ensemble for a fee of $100 each, which grants the individual open access the entire conference without purchasing membership.


*NOTE: The ability to register additional chaperones/management is a privilege offered to you as a result of your ensemble being accepted to perform. The intent is to assist in allowing family members and supporters of your program to attend the conference to enjoy your performance at a reasonable rate. Payments at the Registration Desk may only be made by credit card.

No. Once the deadline has passed, advance badge registration is no longer available. You may request additional performing personnel badges and/or purchase additional chaperone badges for $100 per person at the JEN Registration Counter.

Yes. Family members can purchase a Single Day Event Pass for $40 (Children under 13 admitted free) to attend a specific daytime performance before 7pm. Single session/concert passes are only available during the day. Evening concerts are one price for all. See below. 


Evening Concert Passes are $110 and must be purchased to attend all evening concerts (after 7pm), should an individual elect to purchase an Evening Concert Pass rather than a pass for one day (or a badge the entire conference).

conference housing / PARKING Faqs

Conference housing opens approximately during May/June and fills up quickly. You can learn more about conference housing on our Conference Housing page. CLICK HERE to go there now.



If you are traveling by car and prefer not to park at the conference hotel, other options TBA


accepted performer/presenter conference scheduling FAQs

Possibly. Conference schedule changes are more likely to be allowed if you contact the Conference Coordinator in late July. After that time it is difficult to move anyone. You may request a scheduling change by contacting Dr. Lou Fischer at [email protected].

Please contact the conference scheduling coordinator as soon as possible. We will make every attempt to accommodate your request, but may find it necessary to replace your presentation due to the difficulty related to making changes in the scheduling process.  Please contact Dr. Lou Fischer at [email protected].

Conference sessions are typically as follows:

  • Presentations – 50 minutes
  • Concerts – 50 minutes
  • Research sessions – 25 minutes
  • Research Poster Presentation – 2 hours

Please adhere to the MAXIMUM time allotted to assist JEN in staying on schedule during the conference. Your Stage Mgr. or Room Monitor will be assigned to keep everyone on time throughout the conference. 


PLEASE NOTE: If you have been selected to perform on the Inspirations Stage (Main Stage) evening slot between 8-11pm), your time slot may be a bit shorter or longer due to the structure of the performing slots within the evening concert time block.

No. Since our conference is held in a hotel, JEN is generally not able to provide Green Rooms/Warm Up spaces prior to any performance. The hotel setting simply is not conducive to providing such space. Each group is provided an ample time slot for a short set-up and soundcheck.

Access to the clinic room in which you are presenting is 30 minutes PRIOR to your scheduled presentation. However, if your clinic involves full backline you generally have one hour prior to your start time to prepare. Specific access times will be provided in your invitation letter.

As a result of the massive demand on JEN space, rehearsal space at the conference is possible, but very limited. When space is available, please use the JEN Conference Space Rental Form to request times.  

  • Our team will communicate with you about availability for your requested times.
  • Once your space rental time time and space are secured, we will invoice you for the proper amount. Please do not pre-purchase your rental space.

Reception and/or rehearsal space from JEN Space, if any, is limited and information will be provided if extra space becomes available for this type of use and is available for a nominal fee by the hour.

Please do not ask for complimentary rehearsal time at the conference. Your best bet is to seek help from one of the local schools.

JEN produces 70+ concerts, 75+ clinics, multiple Research Presentations and a Research Poster session, 54 performance-clinics in the JJF in the four-day period.

No. JEN does not provide storage space for equipment on site. For that reason we provide Full Backline in all venues. Please refer to the BACKLINE FAQ heading for items provided in order to determine what you need to bring.

2025 Conference Sponsors & Partners



DownBeat Magazine (Maher Publications) produces the annual conference program and show guide as well as ongoing JEN member benefits year-round.



Jazz Road, a program of the Atlanta non-profit South Arts, supports the Inspirations Stage and the Sisters in Jazz Collegiate Combo.

Yamaha Corporation of America provides invaluable concert piano, digital keyboard, and drumset resources for the performing and clinic venues of the Conference.

The Preservation Hall Foundation serves as a fundamental pillar of the New Orleans music community. 

Conn-Selmer, Ludwig, & Musser facilitate drumset and keyboard percussion resources for the performing and clinic venues of the conference and provides support for the Inspirations Stage.

The Eastman School of Music supports the New Voices Stage in celebration of its new Jazz Voice degree led by Sara Gazarek within its Jazz and Contemporary Media program.

A JEN Founding Institution partner, the Ella Fitzgerald Charitable Foundation is a fiscal sponsor of the ongoing JEN Research Fellowship.

The KHS America family of instrument brands led by Jupiter facilitate drumset and keyboard percussion resources for the performing and clinic venues of the Conference.


A JEN Charter Member organization, Berklee College of Music is a cooperative partner and fiscal sponsor of the annual John LaPorta Educator of the Year Award.

The John Stites Jazz Awards funds personal development projects to enhance the career opportunities of professional jazz musicians and provides financial assistance to JEN members to offset conference attendance.

Jazz WCLK (91.9 FM) Clark Atlanta University provides marketing & community support for the 16th Annual Conference


The dynamic jazz education and premier presenting organization of the Queen City celebrates the individual contributors that power JEN through their gifts each year.

Join JazzWire in celebration of our exhibitors and look out for sessions marked “JazzWire Recommended Adult Learners” in the program show guide.

Encore Tours celebrates the work of the Jazz Education by sponsoring the 2025 Founders Toast.


The University of New Orleans proudly sponsors the 2025 Donor Appreciation Reception.

Additional partners

• The AAJC is the official presenting partner of the Donald Meade Legacy Jazz Griot Award.

 • The JENerations Jazz Festival is presented in partnership with Music for All.

acknowledgements & thanks

The Jazz Education Network is grateful to all who help make our annual conference possible: JEN’s staff, the many dozens of volunteers, and Board of Directors, Casey Kruer Perez of the Hospitality Performance Network.


charlotte lang

Swiss/Dutch saxophonist Charlotte Lang was born in 1996 in Basel and studied the bachelor and master program at the JAZZCAMPUS Basel under the guidance of Domenic Landolf and Daniel Blanc. She is currently studying the Master of Music in Global Jazz at the Berklee College of Music in Boston under the artistic direction of Danilo Pérez. In addition she is part of Terri Lyne Carrington’s Berklee Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice.


From 2015 to 2018, Charlotte she was a member of the Swiss National Youth Jazz Orchestra under the direction of Christian Muthspiel. Since 2020, she became a member of the German National Youth Jazz Orchestra (Bundesjazzorchester Deutschland), under the direction of Niels Klein and Ansgar Striepens. She also plays is the Austrian FJO (Frauen Jazz Orchester→Women Jazz Orchestra of Austria).


In 2021, Charlotte founded her own Quintet the „Charlotte Lang Group“, for what she is composing, arranging and booking. In the fall 2023, her first album will be recorded and hopefully released by a renowned label.


Charlotte plays in the “Swiss Jazz Orchestra” and the “Zurich Jazz Orchestra”, the two professional Big Bands of Switzerland.

Charlotte recently got the unique opportunity to write a monthly blog for the Swiss Jazz & Blues Magazine called JAZZTIME, to tell readers about her time at abroad and specifically her time at Berklee. Her graduate program lasts only until the summer of 2023. She hopes to stay in the United States to enlarge her network and build her musical career.