You must be a JEN Full Individual ($125/yr; $12/mo), Chapter Organizer, Institution or Corporate Member to apply to perform/present at the Annual JEN Conference during the annual application window of April 1 – April 30.
If you are an eJEN member and wish to upgrade to a JEN Full Individual ($125/yr; $12/mo) membership status, contact our office by emailing
There is a $30 fee per application conference application.
read - download - prepare
Applications Open
April 1 – April 30, 2024
JEN Full Individual, Chapter Organizer, Institution, or Corporate Membership required to apply.
Not a member? CLICK HERE to Join JEN now!
- Classroom Teaching / Education
- Composition / Arranging
- Technology
- Improvisation
- Instrument Technique
- Jazz Industry / Business / Artist Development
- If you presented as a lead CLINICIAN at the previous conference, you are not eligible to submit and present a clinic proposal this year. You are eligible to apply as a performer.
- You are eligible to assist on a clinic.
PREPARE your application materials PRIOR to attempting to complete the application to present a clinic.
DOWNLOAD the Clinic Application Guidelines
You will be asked for the information that follows below during the application process. Note mandatory questions are marked with a Red Asterisk and must be completed. Applications with incomplete information will be discarded.
- JEN MEMBERSHIP – Remember, you must be a JEN Full Individual Member ($125/yr; $12/mo), Chapter Organizer, Corporate or Institution Member to apply.
- APPLICATION FEE – A $30 application fee is required per application.
- TYPE OF APPLICATION – You will be asked to select the TYPE of application you are submitting.
- JEN Full Individual Members ($125/yr; $12/mo) & Chapter Organizers are limited to one submission in each category, e.g. Performance, Clinic, and Research.
- An Individual may NOT submit for another individual.
- Corporate Members may submit up to three sponsored artists in each category.
- Corporate Members must supply contact information for each artist in addition to the corporate artist representative’s information.
Each type of application requires various types of support materials to be uploaded. The information below will assist you in preparing those materials ahead of time PRIOR to submitting your application. Materials MUST be labeled in accordance with the given instructions PRIOR to uploading to the JEN system. NOTE: Support Materials that are mislabeled cannot be linked to the appropriate application on the backend. Be advised that incorrectly labeled uploads will not be processed and will thereby cause your application to be eliminated from consideration. Use title case in all areas of this application and for labeling files for upload. Do not use all caps or all lower case. EX: These instructions are in title case. Do not use special characters, e.g.quotations, asterisks, etc.
- HIGH RES PHOTO of the artist performer/presenter or ensemble this application.
- Maximum 30 mb.
- File types include: gif, jpg, jpeg, or png.
- Label the photo as follows below. Incorrect files cannot be matched to your application. Incomplete applications will be discarded.
- LastNameFirstName_ClinicianPhoto
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_ClinicianPhoto
- Clinic Title:
- MAXIMUM 20 words. Use title case. Do not use special characters, e.g.quotations, asterisks, etc.
- Support Personnel:
- List all individuals or any ensemble name that should receive shared listing in the program materials.
- Description:
- Do include any sponsoring company listing(s).
- MAXIMUM 50 words. Use title case. Do not use special characters, e.g.quotations, asterisks, etc.
- Clinic Outline:
- MAXIMUM one page. Label the outline file appropriately as follows PRIOR to uploading:
- LeadClinicianLastNameLeadClinicianFirstName_ClinicOutline
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_ClinicOutline
- MAXIMUM one page. Label the outline file appropriately as follows PRIOR to uploading:
- Clinician Bio:
- MAXIMUM one page. Label the outline file appropriately as follows PRIOR to uploading:
- LeadClinicianLastNameLeadClinicianFirstName_ClinicBio
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_ClinicBio
- MAXIMUM one page. Label the outline file appropriately as follows PRIOR to uploading:
Revised 2-1-2021
- School
- Community
- Professional
- If you performed as a LEADER at the previous conference, you are not eligible to submit and perform as a leader this year.
- You are eligible to assist to perform as a side-person of another ensemble.
- School Ensemble Leaders are allowed to submit for different types of ensembles in distinctly different categories such as a Large and Small instrumental ensemble, an instrumental group and/or a vocal group.
PREPARE your application materials PRIOR to attempting to complete the application to perform.
DOWNLOAD the Performance Application Guidelines
You will be asked for the information that follows below during the application process. Note mandatory questions are marked with a Red Asterisk and must be completed. Applications with incomplete information will be discarded.
- JEN MEMBERSHIP – Remember, you must be a JEN Full Individual ($125/yr; $12/mo), Chapter Organizer, Corporate or Institution Member to apply.
- APPLICATION FEE – A $30 application fee is required per application.
- TYPE OF APPLICATION – You will be asked to select the TYPE of application you are submitting.
- JEN Individual Members ($125/yr; $12/mo) & Chapter Organizers are limited to one submission in each category, e.g. Performance, Clinic, and Research.
- An individual may NOT submit for another individual.
- Corporate Members may submit up to three sponsored artists in each category.
- Corporate Members must supply contact information for each artist in addition to the corporate artist representative’s information.
Each type of application requires various types of support materials to be uploaded. The information below will assist you in preparing those materials ahead of time PRIOR to submitting your application. Materials MUST be labeled in accordance with the given instructions PRIOR to uploading to the JEN system. NOTE: Support Materials that are mislabeled cannot be linked to the appropriate application on the backend. Be advised that incorrectly labeled uploads will not be processed and will thereby cause your application to be eliminated from consideration. Use title case in all areas of this application and for labeling files for upload. Do not use all caps or all lower case. EX: These instructions are in title case. Do not use special characters, e.g.quotations, asterisks, etc.
- High Res Photo of the artist performer/presenter or ensemble ( if you have one) that pertains to this application.
- Maximum 30 mb.
- File types include: gif, jpg, jpeg, or png.
- LastNameFirstName_PerformerPhoto
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_PerformerPhoto
- LeadersLastNameLeadersFirstName_EnsembleName_PerformerPhoto
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_JazzAllStars_PerformerPhoto
- SCHOOL/COMMUNITY ENSEMBLES: School/InstitutionName_EnsembleName_PerformerPhoto
- EX: WestendHS_SwingingHardBigBand_PerformerPhoto
- Ensemble Name:
- If you are a School Ensemble, please include the school name prior to the ensemble name as many JEN attendees may not be familiar with your institution.
- include any prearranged guest artist.
- Use title case. Do not use special characters, e.g.quotations, asterisks, etc.
- Description:
- Do include any prearranged sponsored guest artist name(s) and respective sponsoring company listing.
- MAXIMUM 50 words. Use title case. Do not use special characters, e.g.quotations, asterisks, etc.
- Audio Files (3):
- 2022 APPLICATIONS: Due to COVID-19, current or previous year’s audio files that best represent your ensemble will be accepted.
- MAXIMUM file size is 30mb for each audio file.
- Label each audio file appropriately as follows PRIOR to uploading:
- INDIVIDUAL ARTIST LEADERS: LastNameFirstName_Audio followed by the respective number, e.g. Audio1; Audio2; Audio3
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_Audio1
- INDIVIDUAL ARTIST LEADERS: LastNameFirstName_Audio followed by the respective number, e.g. Audio1; Audio2; Audio3
- PRO ENSEMBLES: LeadersLastNameLeadersFirstName_EnsembleName_Audio followed by the respective number, e.g. Audio1; Audio2; Audio3
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_JazzAllStars_Audio1
- SCHOOL/COMMUNITY ENSEMBLES: School/InstitutionName_EnsembleName_Audio followed by the respective number, e.g. Audio1; Audio2; Audio3
- EX: WestendHS_SwingingHardBigBand_Audio1
- PRO ENSEMBLES: LeadersLastNameLeadersFirstName_EnsembleName_Audio followed by the respective number, e.g. Audio1; Audio2; Audio3
- Stage Plot:
- MAXIMUM file size is 6mb.
- Label the file appropriately as follows PRIOR to uploading:
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_StagePlot
- PRO ENSEMBLES: LeadersLastNameLeadersFirstName_EnsembleName_StagePlot
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_JenAllStars_StagePlot
- SCHOOL/COMMUNITY ENSEMBLES: School/InstitutionName_EnsembleName_StagePlot
- EX: WestendHS_SwingingHardBigBand_StagePlot
- Sample JEN Stage Plots are provided. If you use one of the JEN stage plots, please relabel as above for your ensemble prior to submitting the stageplot.
- File attachments:
Revised 2-1-21
- Presentations
- Posters
PREPARE your application materials PRIOR to attempting to complete the application to present a research paper or poster session.
DOWNLOAD the Research Application Guidelines
You will be asked for the information that follows below during the application process. Note mandatory questions are marked with a Red Asterisk and must be completed. Applications with incomplete information will be discarded.
- JEN MEMBERSHIP – Remember, you must be a JEN Individual Member ($125/yr; $12/mo), Chapter Organizer, Corporate or Institution Member to apply.
- APPLICATION FEE – A $30 application fee is required per application.
- TYPE OF APPLICATION – You will be asked to select the TYPE of application you are submitting.
- JEN Full Individual Members ($125/yr; $12/mo) & Chapter Organizers are limited to one submission in each category, e.g. Performance, Clinic, Research and Symposium.
- An Individual may NOT submit for another individual.
- Corporate Members may submit up to three sponsored artists in each category.
- Corporate Members must supply contact information for each artist in addition to the corporate artist representative’s information.
Each type of application requires various types of support materials to be uploaded. The information below will assist you in preparing those materials ahead of time PRIOR to submitting your application. Materials MUST be labeled in accordance with the given instructions PRIOR to uploading to the JEN system.
NOTE: Support Materials that are mislabeled cannot be linked to the appropriate application on the backend. Be advised that incorrectly labeled uploads will not be processed and will thereby cause your application to be eliminated from consideration. Use title case in all areas of this application and for labeling files for upload. Do not use all caps or all lower case. EX: These instructions are in title case. Do not use special characters, e.g.quotations, asterisks, etc.
- HIGH RES PHOTO of the artist performer/presenter or ensemble this application.
- Maximum 30 mb.
- File types include: gif, jpg, jpeg, or png.
- Label the photo as follows below. Incorrect files cannot be matched to your application. Incomplete applications will be discarded.
- LastNameFirstName_ResearcherPhoto
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_ResearcherPhoto
- Research Session Title:
- MAXIMUM 20 words. Use title case. Do not use special characters, e.g.quotations, asterisks, etc.
- Support Personnel:
- List all individuals that should receive shared listing in the program materials.
- Description:
- Do include sponsoring company listing(s).
- MAXIMUM 50 words. Use title case. Do not use special characters, e.g.quotations, asterisks, etc.
- Research Abstract (Outline):
- MAXIMUM one page.
- Label the outline file appropriately as follows PRIOR to uploading:
- LeadPresenterLastNameLeadPresenterFirstName_ResearchAbstract
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_ResearchAbstract
- Researcher Bio:
- MAXIMUM one page.
- Label the outline file appropriately as follows PRIOR to uploading:
- LeadClinicianLastNameLeadClinicianFirstName_ResearchBio
- EX: ArmstrongLouis_ResearchBio