

All initial proposals are brought to the Full Board of Directors for JEN. Once the Board has weighed in on the subject, there are multiple ways in which final decisions may be made under the current governance policies, including:


  1. A decision requiring a vote by the full board after board discussion.
  2. A decision after board discussion that requires a recommendation by the Finance Committee in accordance with the Financial Procedures document, and/or Executive Committee in accordance with the Bylaws, plus an eventual vote by the full board.
  3. A decision where there is a board directive, which requires a recommendation by the Finance Committee and/or the Executive Committee, and the final decision is made by a committee. It is critical in the directive to indicate the committee empowered to make the final decision.
  4. After board discussion, the Executive Committee is empowered to make the final decision.
  5. After board discussion, the Finance Committee is empowered to make the final decision.
  6. After board discussion, the President is empowered to make the final decision.
  7. After board discussion, the Treasurer is empowered to make the final decision.
  8. After Board discussion, a committee is empowered to make decisions pertaining to specific subjects.
  9. After committee discussion, a committee member or person assigned to a specific task is empowered to make the decision.

Members of the JEN Board of Directors assume several responsibilities when elected, including:

  1. Knowing the Jazz Education Network mission, services, policies, and programs.
  2. Participating in all Board meetings and conference.
  3. Reviewing Board agendas, minutes and supporting materials (including financial statements) prior to Board meetings. Visiting the website and reading the JEN Membership newsletters regularly.
  4. Communicating in a timely fashion on all JEN business. Submitting reports and requests for action on or before stated deadlines.
  5. Being an advocate for JEN and engaging and informing others about JEN and representing the organization to the general public through my professional, personal, and social networks. This includes adding my status as a member of the JEN Board of Directors to my bio, website and promo materials.
  6. Lending special skills and expertise to enhance the Board and be actively engaged in strategic planning and development.
  7. Being available to serve on at least one committee annually (i.e. Finance Committee, Fundraising & Development Committee, Marketing & Communications Committee, etc.)
  8. Being willing and able to be nominated for a JEN office and willing to serve if selected.
  9. Taking on special assignments as volunteer service as they relate to the advancement of JEN’s mission and services, policies and programs.
  10. Assisting in participant, volunteer, and Board member recruitment efforts, and engaging others who can make significant contributions to JEN – financially as individual contributors or corporate sponsors, and those who may lend their expertise to advancing our organization.
  11. Allowing JEN to use your image for promotional purposes. (This will include a short statement from you about JEN and keeping JEN informed of professional activities so that these events may be published online or in print publications).
  12. Following conflict of interest and confidentiality policies as they are established by JEN.
  13. As a strong personal commitment to the mission and values of JEN, it is required that all Board members maintain membership.
  14. It is expected that all BOD members will cover transportation costs over $750 per event, and meal expenses related to Board meetings until such time JEN is able to afford to budget all expenses in that regard.
  15. Board members are expected to financially contribute to the organization annually.
  16. In turn, the JEN Executive committee will be available to answer any questions about the organization and all will work in good faith towards achievement of our mission and goals.
  17. Board Service Terms are 3 years in length and re-election should not be considered automatic. The reality is there are only so many slots on the Board to be filled and if everyone serving was automatically reinstated for 3-year terms back to back, new energy would or could not be infused into the Board. Decisions are not to be assumed of a personal nature.
  18. Board members not returning should be recognized in perpetuity as a former Board member, and asked to continue on committees as part of the JEN governance structure. Further, an individual should be commended for their expected service while on the Board, but should not expect an explanation as to why he or she may not be selected again to serve.

Attendance at the Board Meetings is mandatory.

The board will meet four times annually, three online, and one time being in the conference location in January during the conference.

The JEN Board Meeting Schedule for the next three years is as follows:

  • July or August 2023, Online via Zoom
  • November 2023, Online via Zoom
  • Jan 2-6, 2024 -New Orleans, LA
  • May 2024, Online via Zoom
  • July or August 2024, Online via Zoom
  • November 2024, Online via Zoom 
  • Jan 2-8, 2025 – JEN conference venue
  • May 2025, Online  via Zoom
  • July or August 2025, Online via Zoom
  • November 2025, Online via Zoom
  • Jan 1-7, 2026 – JEN Conference venue
  • May 2026, Online via Zoom

Housing and travel expenses (current travel stipend limited to $750 per trip) will be provided for Board service to in-person meeting locations. Expenses beyond housing and travel are to be borne by the individual board member.

Attendance at the Board Meetings is mandatory.

The board will meet four times annually, three online, and one time being in the conference location in January during the conference.

The JEN Board Meeting Schedule for the next three years is as follows:

  • July or August 2023, Online via Zoom
  • November 2023, Online via Zoom
  • Jan 2-6, 2024 -New Orleans, LA
  • May 2024, Online via Zoom
  • July or August 2024, Online via Zoom
  • November 2024, Online via Zoom 
  • Jan 2-8, 2025 – JEN conference venue
  • May 2025, Online  via Zoom
  • July or August 2025, Online via Zoom
  • November 2025, Online via Zoom
  • Jan 1-7, 2026 – JEN Conference venue
  • May 2026, Online via Zoom

Housing and travel expenses (current travel stipend limited to $750 per trip) will be provided for Board service to in-person meeting locations. Expenses beyond housing and travel are to be borne by the individual board member.


José Diaz, President
David Kauffman, President Elect
Lonnie Davis, Immediate Past President
Trineice Robinson-Martin, Vice President
Bethany Robinson, Secretary/NAfME Liason
Laura Gentry, Treasurer
Doug DuBoff, Director
Tia Fuller, Director
Sara Gazarek, Director
Roosevelt Griffin, Director
Ayn Inserto, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director (non-voting legacy co-founder seat)
Randal Rosman, Director
Ashley Shabankareh, Director
Todd Stoll, Director
Pharez Whitted, Director
Dan Flores, Legal Counsel 

Lonnie Davis, President
José Diaz, President Elect
Sean Jones, Immediate Past President
Trineice Robinson-Martin, Vice President
David Kauffman, Secretary
Laura Gentry, Treasurer
Roxy Coss, Director
Doug DuBoff, Director
Tia Fuller, Director
Ayn Inserto, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director
Ashley Shabankareh, Director
Todd Stoll, Director
Pharez Whitted, Director
Bethany Robinson, NAfME Liason
Dan Flores, Legal Counsel

Lonnie Davis, President
José Diaz, President Elect
Sean Jones, Immediate Past President
Ashley Shabankareh, Vice President
David Kauffman, Secretary/NAfME Liaison
Dustin Rohrer, Treasurer
Roxy Coss, Director
Doug DuBoff, Director
Tim Fellow, Director
Tia Fuller, Director
Laura Gentry, Director
Ayn Inserto, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director
Trineice Robinson-Martin, Director
Todd Stoll, Director
Pharez Whitted, Director
Bethany Robinson, Director
Dan Flores, Legal Counsel


Sean Jones, President
Lonnie Davis, President Elect
Todd Stoll, Immediate Past President
Ashley Shabankareh, Vice President
David Kauffman, Secretary/NAfME Liaison
Dustin Rohrer, Treasurer

Bob Breithaupt, Director
Roxy Coss, Director
José Diaz, Director
Doug DuBoff, Director
Tim Fellow, Director
Tia Fuller, Director
Laura Gentry, Director
Ayn Inserto, Director
Johnaye Kendrick, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director
Trineice Robinson Martin, Director
Pharez Whitted, Director
Dan Flores, Legal Counsel


Sean Jones, President
Lonnie Davis, President Elect
Todd Stoll, Immediate Past President
Ashley Shabankareh, Vice President
David Kauffman, Secretary/NAfME Liaison
Dustin Rohrer, Treasurer

Bob Breithaupt, Director
Roxy Coss, Director
José Diaz, Director
Doug DuBoff, Director
Tim Fellow, Director
Tia Fuller, Director
Laura Gentry, Director
Johnaye Kendrick, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director
Trineice Robinson Martin, Director
Pharez Whitted, Director
Dan Flores, Legal Counsel


Todd Stoll, President
Sean Jones, President Elect
Caleb Chapman, Immediate Past President
Bob Breithaupt, Vice President
Lonnie Davis, Secretary
Dustin Rohrer, Treasurer

Roxy Coss, Director
Tim Fellow, Director
José Diaz, Director
Doug DuBoff, Director
David Kauffman, Director
Johnaye Kendrick, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director
Trineice Robinson Martin, Director
Julius Tolentino, Director
Pharez Whitted, Director
Dan Flores, Legal Counse


Todd Stoll, President
Sean Jones, President Elect
Caleb Chapman, Immediate Past President
Bob Breithaupt, Vice President
Tim Fellow, Treasurer
Lonnie Davis, Secretary
Diane Chandler-Marshall, Director
Roxy Coss, Director
Doug DuBoff, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director, Co-Founder/Past President
Dustin Rohrer, Director
Ashley Shabankareh, Director
Julius Tolentino, Director
Francisco Torres, Director
Pharez Whitted, Director
Treb Winegar, Director
Greg Yasinitsky, Director
David Kauffman, NAfME Liaison
Dan Flores, Legal Counsel


Caleb Chapman, President
Todd Stoll, President Elect
Bob Sinicrope, Immediate Past President
Bob Breithaupt, Vice President
Tim Fellow, Treasurer
Mary Jo Papich, Interim Secretary, Co-Founder/Past President
Diane Chandler-Marshall, Director
Lonnie Davis, Director
Rick Drumm, Director
Dan Flores, Director
Sean Jones, Director
Ashley Shabankareh, Director
Julius Tolentino, Director
Francisco Torres, Director
Treb Winegar, Director
Greg Yasinitsky, Directo


Caleb Chapman, President
Todd Stoll, President Elect
Bob Breithaupt, Vice President
Bob Sinicrope, Immediate Past President
Timothy Fellow, Treasurer
Sharon Burch, Secretary
Diane Chandler-Marshall, Director
Rick Drumm, Director
Dan Flores, Director
Daniel Gregerman, Director
Dr. Monika Herzig, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director/Co-Founder/Past President
Francisco Torres, Director
Kirk Whalum, Director
Greg Yasinitsky, Director


Bob Sinicrope, President
Caleb Chapman, President-Elect
Bob Breithaupt, Vice President
Andrew Surmani, Immediate Past President
Timothy Fellow, Treasurer
Dr. Monika Herzig, Secretary
Sharon Burch, Director
John Clayton, Director
Rick Drumm, Director
Dan Flores, Director
Daniel Gregerman, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director/Co-Founder/Past President
Todd Stoll, Director
Tony White, Director


Bob Sinicrope, President
Caleb Chapman, President-Elect
Bob Breithaupt, Vice President
Andrew Surmani, Immediate Past President
Rick Kessel, Treasurer
Dr. Monika Herzig, Secretary
Ruben P. Alvarez, Director
John Clayton, Director
José Diaz, Director
Timothy Fellow, Director
Daniel Gregerman, Director
Judy Humenick, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director/Co-Founder/Past President
Cheryl Slay-Carr, Director
Tony White, Director

Andrew Surmani, President
Bob Sinicrope, President-Elect
Caleb Chapman, Vice President
Dr. Lou Fischer, Co-Founder/Immediate Past President
Rick Kessel, Treasurer
Dr. Monika Herzig, Secretary
Ruben P. Alvarez, Director
Paul Bangser, Director
Bob Breithaupt, Director
John Clayton, Director
José Diaz, Director
Dr. Darla Hanley, Director
Judy Humenick, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director/Co-Founder/Past President
Cheryl Slay-Carr, Director

Andrew Surmani, President
Bob Sinicrope, President-Elect
John Clayton, Vice President
Dr. Lou Fischer, Co-Founder/Immediate Past President
Rick Kessel, Treasurer
Dr. Monika Herzig Secretary
Ruben P. Alvarez, Director
Paul Bangser, Director
Bob Breithaupt, Director
Caleb Chapman, Director
José Diaz, Director
Dr. Darla Hanley, Director
Judy Humenick, Director
Willard Jenkins, Director
Mary Jo Papich, Director/Co-Founder/Past President

2011 – 2012 Board of Directors

Dr. Lou Fischer, Co-Founder/President

Mary Jo Papich, Co-Founder/Immediate Past President
Andrew Surmani, President Elect
John Clayton, Vice President
Rick Kessel, Treasurer
José Diaz, Secretary
Ruben P. Alvarez, Director
Paul Bangser, Director
Caleb Chapman, Director
Dr. Darla Hanley, Director
Dr. Monika Herzig, Director
Willard Jenkins, Director
Bob Sinicrope, Director
Terell Stafford, Director

Dr. Lou Fischer, Co-Founder/President

Mary Jo Papich, Co-Founder/Immediate Past President
Andrew Surmani, President Elect
John Clayton, Vice President
Rick Kessel, Treasurer
Jarrard Harris, Secretary
Ruben P. Alvarez, Director
Melody Balicki, Director
Paul Chiaravalle, Director
Steve Crissinger, Director
José Diaz, Director
Paris Rutherford, Director
Bruce Silva, Director
Bob Sinicrope, Director
Terell Stafford, Director
Jim Widner, Director
John Wittmann, Director

Mary Jo Papich, Co-Founder/President
Dr. Lou Fischer, Co-Founder/President-Elect
John Clayton, Vice President
Jackie Harris, Secretary
Andrew Surmani, Treasurer
Ruben P. Alvarez, Director
Melody Balicki, Director
Paul Chiaravalle, Director
Steve Crissinger, Director
José Diaz, Director
Rick Kessel, Director
Paris Rutherford, Director
Bruce Silva, Director
Bob Sinicrope, Director
Terell Stafford, Director
Jim Widner, Director
John Wittmann, Director

Mary Jo Papich, Co-Founder/President
Dr. Lou Fischer, Co-Founder/Vice President
Bruce Silva, Treasurer
Julie Traenkenschuh, Secretary
Ruben P. Alvarez, Director
Bob Breithaupt, Director
Paul Chiaravalle, Director
Steve Crissinger, Director
Daniel Gregerman, Director
Jarrard Harris, Director
Michael Kenyon, Director
Rick Kessel, Director
Ellen Rowe, Director
Paris Rutherford, Director
Andrew Surmani, Director
Jim Widner, Director

charlotte lang

Swiss/Dutch saxophonist Charlotte Lang was born in 1996 in Basel and studied the bachelor and master program at the JAZZCAMPUS Basel under the guidance of Domenic Landolf and Daniel Blanc. She is currently studying the Master of Music in Global Jazz at the Berklee College of Music in Boston under the artistic direction of Danilo Pérez. In addition she is part of Terri Lyne Carrington’s Berklee Institute of Jazz and Gender Justice.


From 2015 to 2018, Charlotte she was a member of the Swiss National Youth Jazz Orchestra under the direction of Christian Muthspiel. Since 2020, she became a member of the German National Youth Jazz Orchestra (Bundesjazzorchester Deutschland), under the direction of Niels Klein and Ansgar Striepens. She also plays is the Austrian FJO (Frauen Jazz Orchester→Women Jazz Orchestra of Austria).


In 2021, Charlotte founded her own Quintet the „Charlotte Lang Group“, for what she is composing, arranging and booking. In the fall 2023, her first album will be recorded and hopefully released by a renowned label.


Charlotte plays in the “Swiss Jazz Orchestra” and the “Zurich Jazz Orchestra”, the two professional Big Bands of Switzerland.

Charlotte recently got the unique opportunity to write a monthly blog for the Swiss Jazz & Blues Magazine called JAZZTIME, to tell readers about her time at abroad and specifically her time at Berklee. Her graduate program lasts only until the summer of 2023. She hopes to stay in the United States to enlarge her network and build her musical career.